No matter what platform you are using for your eCommerce websites, a web push notification is always available for merchants to take advantage of. There is no doubt that web push notifications for eCommerce are one of the fastest and most effective ways to interact with your potential and current customers. Therefore, more and more online store owners choose to use it as a new way to transfer their messages about products or new promotion programs to the buyers.

However, a successful web push notifications eCommerce campaign obviously requires a lot of effort and time from not only the Marketing team but also the whole organization. Thus, there are some key metrics to assert web push notifications eCommerce, which will help you figure out whether your campaign is working or not.

Surely website notification will be a good option and an effective online marketing tool for eCommerce. If you are struggling with this new strategy to boost your sales, this article is totally for you.

Let’s take a look and gain more insight into those key metrics in order to optimize your sales with a better winning strategy: 

How to identify the effectiveness of web push notifications eCommerce?

Are web push notifications marketing really effective? This is a common question raised in almost all business owners’ minds. We hear a lot about this marketing channel on social media, trustworthy newspapers, and business magazines, but we also need specific numbers to prove that this marketing way is really that effective. In fact, many companies try to put notifications on their websites and the results have been working quite well so far.

Many customers feel satisfied with their buying journey because the website notification is not that too annoying and they can feel the interaction between them and the stores (despite the fact that they are sitting in front of a technical device and shopping online). To provide your customers the exact experience, you have to measure your web notifications carefully so that your customers receive them just enough.

With the 4 below measurements, you will have all the information you need to evaluate your web push notification campaigns.

1. Opt-in rate

We will start with the opt-in rate, which is an important metric to evaluate your website notification campaign. To be more specific, the opt-in rate can be calculated by the number of subscribers to your notifications versus that of those who go and visit your website or online stores. Those numbers can be found on Google Analytics.

You should pay more attention to your opt-in request because it is the key point to persuading your customers to accept the request to receive your notifications. They are all potential subscribers, you can only process the next steps if they decide to give you permission to send them notifications, or else you can be blocked.

Opt-in rates should be tracked because it is really important in eCommerce. It helps you figure out where and when we should ask our customers for requests. For example, according to some opt-in rates, it is not a good option to always pop up the opt-in whenever anyone visits your homepage. This, on some occasions, will annoy them and ruin their buying experience, so this metric will help you reduce those risks.

Another special benefit is that you can evaluate which products are highly needed at a certain time because you can know what out-of-stock products are being viewed more often, thus you can notify them of the time that products are in stock again, or even recommend some similar items to keep them stay at your stores.

Keep in mind that you can adjust the pages that you want your opt-in request to appear. This will be more flexible because you can change and design them to meet your target.

web push notifications: Opt-in rate
Web push notifications eCommerce: Opt-in rate

2. Business goals

Business goals play a vital role in setting KPIs for the web push notification campaign. Let’s say no plan can be carried out smoothly and effectively if there is no objective in advance. Obviously, each industry will require different objectives and ways to carry out, so a business goal metric will help your web push notification campaigns be more reasonable and achievable. Some specific industries including:

  • eCommerce and retail: The final goal should aim to encourage the customers to visit a specific page and then make their purchases. So, some KPIs for this industry, such as the amount of money that the customers spend on buying items per push, the average order value, etc.
  • Investing and banking aim to maintain and stick their customers to online checking accounts. They encourage them to invest more money or save more money in the account. This can be evaluated by some KPIs, such as the number of visitors, the increase in the numbers of users, the increase in the amount of money for investment, the length of a session that a customer opens a web push notification, etc.
  • Media is often used as a key marketing tool. Companies often aim to retain existing customers and attract new ones by using media and entertainment. Some KPIs of this industry can be the average numbers of click/visitors each push notification, the numbers of viewers after a push if they tend to watch a video, etc.
Web push notifications: Business goals
Web push notifications eCommerce: Business goals

3. Delivery and click-through rate

We sometimes face the risk that our notifications are not delivered right to the customers, so they will miss the stores’ new programs. Therefore, the delivery count is really important because it will help you keep track of the actual number of notifications that you delivered to the customers.

Click-through rate (or CTR) is the number of clicks when someone clicks on your website notification versus the number of customers to whom you send your notifications to. This metric can help you track the activities of your potential and current customers.

Moreover, people prefer notifications because they are time-saving. More specifically, it helps customers (or shop subscribers) reduce and minimize the number of actions, so there will be higher click rates of web push notifications eCommerce compared to when they use emails to interact with the customers.

CTR tells you a lot about your web push notifications so that you can easily track your marketing strategy and have a better plan to improve your business situation.

  • CTR can help you figure out the kind of notifications that your target customers like to respond to more.
  • CTR also helps you recognize the trend by evaluating the delivery and open rates of the notifications, thus finding out which subject line, kind of notifications, or topic that your customers prefer.
  • It helps you to evaluate whether you use your channel optimally or not at that time, thus making more suitable and effective plans for future campaigns. Those evaluations are based on the average click rate compared to the benchmarks.
web push notifications: Conversion rate
Web push notifications eCommerce: Click-through rate

4. Conversion rate

Basically, the conversion rate is the proportion of people that visit your landing page or website and do something that helps you meet your target while they are on your site. This depends on your business goals, some common types of conversions that you should know, such as:

  • Filling and submitting a form
  • Leaving their personal information for further contact
  • Engaging with you by sending a message through chatbox on your website or landing page
  • Making a phone call with your business
  • Subscribing their emails for further updates
  • Registering on the site
  • Downloading any documents, such as brochures, ebooks, photos, apps, software, etc.
  • Making an order
  • etc.

In other words, the conversion rate is the metric that represents the process of customers by their actions from a potential one towards a paying customer, thus enhancing revenue and making profits for the companies.

Web push notifications: Conversion rate
Web push notifications eCommerce Conversion rate

To calculate the conversion rate, you only need to divide the number of conversions by the total figure of visitors in a certain period of time. In fact, the conversion rate tells you a lot about your website and your online business strategy with web push notifications eCommerce. In other words, the conversion rate also lets you know whether your website notification strategy is effective or not. Or, when your campaign is out of track, then you will know and get it back on track.

For example, in case you send a notification to let your customers know about your new discount program, the conversion rate will let you know if your customers are excited about your discount offer or not, thus having a more suitable strategy on the price for the products.


Web push notification for eCommerce is greatly important to businesses. Many pieces of research and surveys have proven their effectiveness in using website notifications in eCommerce. This method is also a way to adapt to the faster pace of life when everybody prefers the faster process.

No doubt that everything needs specific numbers to prove the effectiveness of it, the 4 metrics in this article also help you evaluate and gain more insight into the push notification campaign that you are launching, hence a better marketing strategy when needed.


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