If you ask me which are the best eCommerce payment gateways for 2021, I can simply answer them in a single go. Yet, there won’t be any fun in that!

Now, do you remember the crazy, never-gonna-happen future that was promised in our bed-time science fiction stories? It’s time to watch out for them because slowly and steadily they seem to show up. For example, eCommerce websites being the new-normal profit-spinning business, IoT mobile app development taking a stronghold just like a Jetson-Esque phase, several machines have slowly made previously staple jobs redundant, etc.

In fact, it might quite interest you to know that those businesses that didn’t even have a website before 2021 are now seen dreaming big in the online space. However, whatever era you reside in whether it’s before digital transformation or after, the end-users will always prefer convenience over anything. It’s the deal-breaker! And nothing seems to be more relieving than buying stuff without much hassle.

In this article, let’s take a look at the top 7 best eCommerce payment gateways to improve your customers’ shopping experience.

eCommerce Industry – A brief overview

As per our sources, 12 million – 24 million eCommerce sites are live across the globe. Scared already! Well, then you must know that out of these around 1M sell more than $1,000/year, which means you have more legroom to grow! The race has just begun!

Retail eCommerce sales wordwide from 2014 to 2023
Retail eCommerce sales wordwide from 2014 to 2023

According to Statista, 3.53 trillion US dollars was the figure summing up retail e-commerce sales worldwide. This was in 2019 and now e-retail revenues are projected to grow to 6.54 trillion US dollars by 2022. Do you know which one is the most popular online activity across the world? It’s shopping online.

Some interesting aspects of an eCommerce website development to consider:

  • 59% of Millennials prefer Amazon
  • By the year 2040, it’s estimated that 95% of all purchases will be through eCommerce.
  • According to Bigcommerce, an average of 32% or more sales is generated by online stores having social media presence.
  • 85% of orders from social media sites come from Facebook say Shopify.
  • eCommerce sites can gain a 35% increase in conversion rates with an optimized checkout design.
Reasons for abandonment during checkout
Image source: wpForms

Top 10 eCommerce Markets in the world include:

  1. China: $672 billion
  2. USA: $340 billion
  3. United Kingdom: $99 billion
  4. Japan: $79 billion
  5. Germany: $73 billion
  6. France: $43 billion
  7. South Korea: $37 billion
  8. Canada: $30 billion
  9. Russia: $20 billion
  10. Brazil: $19 billion
Top country for selected groups of product
Image source: Kinsta.com

At least, now you are well aware of what is going on and where things are heading to. But still, there is something unanswered. What makes an eCommerce business such a smooth venture? Setting up a reliable online payment method for your products and services.

Another interesting research reveals that more than 80 percent of customers prefer making online purchases via credit or debit cards. And while making the purchase they stick to their favoured payment method.

The importance of eCommerce payment gateways

With the advent of increasing technologies, it becomes very important to get in touch with an eCommerce developer who not only delivers a solution featuring convenience and security but also the ability for seamless transactions and delivery to their doorstep.

In short, what makes your eCommerce website a cut above?

  • Wide range of products to choose from
  • Quick Checkout
  • Easy navigation across the platform
  • Easy accessibility
  • Instantaneous cashless payment

All about eCommerce payment gateways

Since the post focuses on the best payment gateways for your eCommerce store, I would like to focus on that part in particular. Before we begin naming the best ones, let us go through the basic understanding!

The team of eCommerce developers at TatvaSoft also figured out that the seamless and secure checkout experience is also helping to reduce shopping cart abandonment. Other than this, it has been observed especially among the millennials and gen Z that they are impulsive while conducting purchases. In simple words, their patience level is zero, and do cancel or switch to your competitor,  if the checkout/payment method is tedious.

So if you want to increase sales, an effective payment option is all you need.

What do eCommerce payment gateways do?

  • Integrates with shopping cart and Accepts multiple payment options
  • Of course, faster payment processing and prevents excess chargeback
  • Fraud management is being taken care of and maintenance of all the security standards like PCI DSS, etc.
  • Here you will also find a provision for recurring billing

How do eCommerce payment gateways work?

As soon as the customer clicks the buy now button, they initiate the payment transaction. After that, they will proceed to the payment gateway where they need to enter all the relevant card details. Next, he is being redirected to a secure page for authorizing the transaction.

Meanwhile, your bank keeps an eye on the client to choose whether the transaction is a success or not.  A message involving if your exchange was effective is being sprung up. On the off chance that the exchange is fruitful, the bank settles the installment with the payment gateway and settles with the trader as well, advising the client that the exchange is effective and the installment cycle is finished.

And that takes users to the end of their payment process!

Best eCommerce payment gateways for your site



Paypal is something we must have been quite familiar with. After all, the brand speaks for itself and it doesn’t require my justification.  But I would still like to recommend it because this one provides ease of use, reliability, and security – all at once.

According to Statista, there are 277 million active PayPal users across the world in 2019. That number is up from 237 million from the beginning of 2018.

PayPal is among the eCommerce payment gateways that is trusted by many eCommerce platforms, including WooCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce.

Its key features include:

  • International Payment/Credit card Support
  • Multi-currency support
  • Withdrawal fees
  • Settlement Days
  • Customer Support
  • Secured Documentation
  • Mobile App Payment Gateway Integration: iOS and Android

Despite being one of the largest payment gateways in the world, PayPal, like any organization operating in the internet age, is not immune to glitches and data breaches. Both sellers and buyers utilizing PayPal should be aware of certain risks and the importance of PayPal verification during the transaction process.

To survive in the competitive eCommerce environment, it is important to be aware of these risks and take appropriate precautions to protect yourself. Ensuring your eCommerce business is well-protected from all risks associated with PayPal transactions or any other payment platforms is crucial for long-term sustainable development.



If you are looking for an eCommerce payment gateway system that has the ability to get paid fast, prevent fraud with straightforward pricing, look no further than Square. Being a POS system that mainly focuses on in-person payments this one undoubtedly carries the best eCommerce options for your website.

Imagine a physical credit card swipe attached to your phone, this is what square is all about. It doesn’t matter whether you own a large business or a small one, the eCommerce payment gateway works best for those who need a method of credit card processing, particularly for in-person transactions.

What makes this one a cut above? Well, digital space is a new concept but some businesses still have a physical retail location. Square’s POS system acts as a great option if you have or planning for a retail location in addition to your eCommerce store.

Plus, there is no monthly fee. Just like Stripe and PayPal, Square only charge you 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. 

Stripe can integrate with a great number of eCommerce platform. From Wix to WooCommerce, GoCentral online store, Ecwid, 3DCart, OpenCart, Magento, Miva, Drupal Commerce, X-Cart, Zen Cart, ShipStation, Mercato, Unbound Commerce, WordPress, nopCommerce, WP EasyCart, Sociavore, the payment gateway supports them all!



The next one on the list is a real quintessential entry. Much like others this one also offers a seamless and hassle-free payment experience. But what makes it worth taking into account is the way it eradicates the complexities when you are dealing with a payment provider.

Some of its interesting bunch of offerings include gateway payment processing, a solution having relevant integration with over 175 online shopping carts. They also support the concept of accepting payments via mobile apps. More or less, the Payline payment processing gateway also integrates with QuickBooks for ease of payroll management and business financials.

Some of its favorable features include:

  • Payline Connect – built-in security and fraud protection
  • Subscription billing – Mainly recommended for businesses that offer memberships, products, and services regularly.
  • ACH Payments: Here payments are being well-optimized, lowering your costs. Transactions have become faster and more convenient.



It doesn’t matter which processor you prefer to use for your eCommerce business, With an ability to accept PayPal payments, Apple Pay, and most major credit cards, Authorize.net tends to streamline all the payment procedures.

It supports all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diner’s Club, and JCB. As well as this, Authorize.net is compatible with digital payment services such as Apple Pay, PayPal, and Visa Checkout.

Now let me disclose the best way to take advantage of the eCommerce development tool. Create a merchant account with a monthly gateway fee featuring a per-transaction fee and a daily batch fee and excluding the setup fee.



A considerable lot of you may discover Stripe moderately as another eCommerce payment gateway. However, it has immediately ascended to the positions of the best in record time. If you are willing to run an eCommerce store or a subscription service or an on-demand marketplace, Stripe acts as a perfect choice for your needs. It is among the only three eCommerce payment gateways accepted by Squarespace.

With a broad focus on mobile eCommerce, SaaS, non-profits, and platform-based payments, this one enables you to connect with new audiences, try out new strategies, and maximize renewals like none other. Studies show that brands using Stripe have increased revenue by 6.7% after implementing the payment gateway. With Stripe, you’ll have 81% fewer outages and 24% less operating costs compared to competing payment methods.

Stripe supports Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB (Japan), and UnionPay (China). Besides, it can integrate well with ACH transfers, American Express Checkout, Masterpass, Visa Checkout, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay.

Google Pay

Google pay

Another interesting payment gateway offered by one of the most reputable and known names Google, Google Pay leaves no stone unturned in making customer transactions easy and worthy.

Mainly focus on eCommerce shops, mobile apps and in-person checkouts, the eCommerce payment gateway is used by some of the major industry giants such as Airbnb and StubHub.

Google Pay is extremely easy to integrate into your eCommerce platform. However, you can seek assistance from a reliable eCommerce development company or do it yourself. All it requires is gaining access to API and simply adding it to the site.



Last but not least, Helcim is no less than all the aforementioned eCommerce payment gateways. High customizable and available with some great-looking themes are some of its core benefits.

Now if you already have an online store, then you don’t have to worry as they have you covered. Whether it’s about adding payment options without any coding know-how onto your site or integrating with some third-party software, the easy ones such as QuickBooks, Drupal, and Magento, Their fully-hosted payment solution can work wonders in no time.


No wonder the significance of digital wallets seems to be gaining momentum at a fanatic pace. It’s high time one must realize that all your customers aren’t the same and so could be their payment preferences.

Try to provide as many eCommerce payment gateways as possible and nothing can stop you from driving more sales and reducing shopping cart abandonment rates in the long haul. Hope that you can choose a suitable payment orchestration platform to kick off your online business.


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