Over the last few years, LitExtension has proved our value to eCommerce merchants worldwide in providing excellent shopping cart migration service.  We’ve been continuously innovating and improving to become the world’s #1 Shopping Cart Migration Expert. As LitExtension grows, we always put customers’ experience above everything else. We want to get closer to them, listen to their problems, and provide the best service. Recently, we realized that we need the brand to interact with our customers more on their shopping cart migration journey with us. That’s why we decided to create the LitExtension mascot, Simon. He will represent the whole LitExtension team to take care of our customers with an aim to make their migration experience as pleasant as possible. We hope that you’re excited to welcome Simon as much as we’re. Now, let’s get to know more about him!

1. Get To Know Simon A Little Better

A real squirrel

First of all, for your information, Simon is a real-life squirrel. Our CEO – Alex Nguyen has a squirrel as a pet and he often brings his squirrel to the office. Everyone loves the animal because he is cute, gentle, and jolly. When at the office, he’s always busy running around to catch up with different members of the team and cheering everyone up. Over time, this squirrel has become our dear friend. Therefore, when choosing a mascot, all of our team voted for squirrel. We see the connection between the squirrel’s swiftness, caring attention, being active all the time, and our brand personality. As a result, this drove the decision.

Behind the name

Simon’s backstory and the role of Simon at LitExtension helped us come up with his name. As a Chief Happiness Officer who will devotedly guide and take care of you during the migration process, he will listen patiently to all your requests, problems, and feedback. Meanwhile, the name “Simon” which originated from Hebrew שִׁמְעוֹן Šimʻôn has the meaning as “listen”. Thus, we all agreed to give the squirrel this name as it can best express his role and we bet he thinks so too. He looks happy when we call him Simon.

Where will you find Simon?

According to his role, it’s obvious that Simon will be at your fingertips whenever you need him. He makes use of his expertise in eCommerce and shopping cart migration to help you during every point in this journey such as:

  • He teaches about eCommerce in our LitExtension blogs;
  • Supports you via live chat on the website;
  • Updates industry news and talks with you about eCommerce on our social media;
  • Guides you through the migration process on Youtube and when you’re setting up the migration;
  • Last but not least, he will be the cameo on our brochure, flyers, invitation card, email marketing, and so on.
Simon’s interest

Simon has a strong passion for learning new things and technology. With his curious mind, it’s no surprise that Simon has a passion for learning new things, especially in the field of eCommerce and technology with an aim to expand his knowledge and keep up with state-of-the-art technology. A fun fact is that in reality, Simon likes to sit on Alex’s desk and look at his screen when he works. Simon’s motto

You’re in good hands!

As a representative of the whole LitExtension team, Simon says the same motto as us which is “You’re in good hands!”. No matter how complicated your re-platforming project can be, Simon will always stand by your side and guide you through it step by step. He ensures you have the most pleasant migration experience and have nothing to worry about.

2. Better understand how Simon will help you

Simon is a migration expert at LitExtension and he works as a Chief Happiness Officer here. His main task is guaranteeing the satisfaction of customers and employees in LitExtension.

Firstly, he is your friendly and dedicated guide to your shopping cart migration journey at LitExtension

Simon is your friendly guide to everything at LitExtension. With a deep understanding of shopping cart migration and eCommerce as well as strong interpersonal skills, he makes sure your platform migration is hassle-free. With Simon guiding you along the way, you’ll have the most pleasant migration experience when using LitExtension’s service

Secondly, Simon spread important messages to our customers

In fact, Simon is extremely friendly and he makes everybody feel pleasant and happy. That’s why we choose him as our spokesman to deliver essential information to our customers. You will see him on our channels on a regular basis from now on. He’ll always provide you with the useful and latest news about market trends, promotional programs, and tips that are essential to boost your business performance via email and social media channels. He will also keep you updated with any new features of LitExtension.

Thirdly, he is a representative of the LitExtension team

Simon embodies the same traits as the people of LitExtension and represents LitExtension’s culture. We are professional, caring, continuously moving and evolving, focusing on excellence, being different together, and being bold,… That’s all about our Chief Happiness Officer, Simon. We hope that LitExtension community will quickly embrace his new role. Simon’s arrival will indeed bring greater value to both LitExtension customers and employees.


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