If you are looking for the best ways on how to increase sales volume, you’re on the right track. In this article, we will walk you through 20+ tips on how to increase sales volume.

eCommerce has become an indispensable part of the global retail landscape, especially in the post-Covid19 period. More and more people are turning to the digital space. Therefore, to capture a piece of the pie, it’s a wise move to start an online business.

Or else, if you are currently running an store on a platform, but you aren’t satisfied with it, we can give you a helping hand to switch to a new robust one.

Without further ado, let’s get this show on the road!

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16 Easy Ways on How to Increase Sales Volume

#1. Build your brand awareness

If you want to learn how to increase sales volume, the first and foremost thing you should do is to build your brand authority & affinity. If you want to consistently win, you should focus on a clear and consistent brand message. Your sales will be affected by how you position yourself as a business.

To be said, you should have these questions to consider if you wish to increase sales volume:

  • How to measure brand awareness?
  • Which targeting option is best for achieving brand awareness?
  • How to increase brand awareness?

How to Increase Sales Volume

#2. Understand your customer’s pain points.

Having a clear sense of who your target customer is is crucial in a long-haul play. It holds the answer for brands with a desire to meet the customers’ demand, thus increasing online sales.

How to increase sales volume

Specifically, conducting market research and creating buyer personas are two important things worth spending your time on.

#3. Make use of video ads

We’ve seen in recent years within the digital age, it’s essential to take advantage of the full force of digital marketing to increase sales volume. If you put tons of capital into marketing strategies to increase sales volume but still can’t reach potential customers, you are failing to make good use of your money.

Using video ads, you can create and target detailed buyer personas. You can twist video ads to appeal to custom audiences. For instance, smartphones can appear mainly on the newsfeed of people aged from 16 to 60 years old. You can also track all of the pages they visit, and the products they click on and automatically send targeted offers based on their activity.

#4. Optimize SEO

How to increase sales volume
Google Search

Optimize SEO results is another tactic that you can hardly miss out on when asking the question of how to increase sales volume.

In fact, search led to 65% of all eCommerce sessions. Therefore, the holy grail of online marketing is ranking at the top of Google. SEO can help you drive tons of traffic and online sales with low marketing spend. You can easily find effective tips and guides to improve SEO for your stores. Here we’ve complied some articles for you to discover, such as a comprehensive BigCommerce SEO guide, or SEO tips for optimizing your Magento store

Need Help To Migrate Your Store?

LitExtension provides a well-optimized Cart to Cart migration service that will help you transfer all your data accurately, painlessly with utmost security.


#5. Diversify sales channels

It seems obvious that if you want to get a high sales volume, you should sell on as many channels as possible. The more times you reach the customers, the higher chance they will make a purchase.

How to increase sales volume
Diversify sales channels to increase sales volume

To skyrocket your sales, we highly recommend you consider going for multi-channel retail or integrating your current eCommerce platforms with a marketplace, such as linking Etsy to Facebook or integrating Shopify with WordPress

#6. Choose the right pricing strategy

In a world where competing on price is becoming the norm, it’s of great importance to identify a suitable pricing strategy to grow your online business. An effective strategy will not only increase sales volume but also help your business have leverage against other competitors in the market.

How to increase sales volume
Utilize the appropriate pricing strategies to increase sales volume

If you haven’t found the right one yet, take a look at this article regarding the top 10 profitable pricing strategies for your online business.

#7. Focus on the website’s user experiences

Customers stay on your page for just 15 seconds. Therefore, having your website designed by a professional to create a user-focused experience is a key to increasing online sales. Be helpful and personalize the experience.

Over 10+ years of helping businesses with their website, we have come to the conclusion that you should pay attention to on-page elements, how it looks, and how it works. Put the call to action (CTA) at the right placement, improve website navigation, and use appealing headings are some recommendations. Besides, you should provide product details and information in a clear and concise manner.

90% of information sent to the brain is visual. It stands to reason that your site should include a wide range of high-quality images. You should consider adding videos to your top landing pages as it can result in an increase in conversions averaging 86%, thus resulting in an increase in sales volume.

In a nutshell, a well-structured website design will look great, work well, and help to convert more.

✧ Did you know that you can get your store arranged in a logical way and at no charge? Try out Shopify collections and allow your customers to find their desired products in a blink of an eye.

#8. Optimize the payment process

Today, people crave convenience. Therefore, reducing friction in the checkout process is a big sticking point to increase sales volume. Here are some stats that you should pay attention to:

  • Complicated or extended checkout processes led to 27% of cart abandonments.
  • $18 billion in sales revenue is lost each year because of cart abandonment.
  • If the checkout process is too complicated, 26% of shoppers will leave the checkout.

How to increase sales volume

Therefore, it is essential to eliminate any unnecessary steps and get rid of the elements that confuse customers and drive them away. To nail the payment process, you’d better make it easy, secure and provide as many payment gateways as possible.

#9. Show off customer testimonials & trust signals

Testimonials are the most valuable weapons in your arsenal. They are the psychological keys to increasing online sales. 9 out of 10 customers will read reviews before deciding to make a purchase, and online reviews influence 67% of customers.

When customers are mulling over a purchase, they’ll often search for online reviews. Therefore, legions of satisfied customers will add social proof to the product and create a sense of community to influence the buying decisions of the customers.

How to increase sales volume
How to increase sales volume by adding social proof signals

Oftentimes, customers are reluctant to buy a product online due to many associated risks of making commitments. Customer testimonials and trust signals appearing on your home page, production page, or landing page can potentially help the customers overcome hesitations preemptively. 

For customers who are on the fence, a money-back guarantee can give them a  sense of confidence in their purchase. For instance, we, LitExtension offers users a 30-day money-back guarantee as a way of ensuring complete satisfaction with our service.

How to increase sales volume

#10. Use promotions

As a matter of fact, price matters, and people prefer discounts. Promotions will obviously persuade prospects to buy and, ultimately, guide you to the success of how to increase sales volume.

To drive massive floods of sales, you can use promotions monthly or quarterly, with big themes and events. Try to create a sense of urgency by using time-sensitive special offers for limited-edition products.

How to increase sales volume

And of course, we also recommend free shipping, a top-tier tactic, which is much more powerful than a percent off. 47% of shoppers said that if they got to the checkout and found that free shipping wasn’t offered, they would abandon a cart. You might lose mostly half of your customers.

#11. Grow online sales with mobile optimization

1 in 4 customers made purchases using mobile devices. Therefore, growing online sales with mobile optimization is essential if you don’t want to lose one-quarter of your customers.

With many eCommerce platforms here, we would recommend Wix, which allows you to optimize mobile-friendliness. You can easily edit the mobile version without affecting the desktop one. However, you need to make sure your store is responsive to increase sales volume.

How to increase sales volume

#12. Provide excellent customer service to improve customer loyalty

According to a survey from Zendesk, customer service is a key factor when deciding whether to purchase. Provide contact details and advise customers if there are inquiries and complaints or any delays with their orders.

How to increase sales volume

Based on our experience, adding a chat feature can help increase the conversion rate by 211%. Using CRM software is an effective way to better understand and retain your customers. You can also use a live chat or deploy a chatbot for 24×7 sales conversion. With fast and accurate support, the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence have become strong allies for sales.

To constantly improve the customer experience, you should dig into your analytics to figure out a marketing strategy that is hyper-focused on the customer experience.

#13. Thoroughly qualify your prospects

Ensuring you are selling to the right people is a key aspect of your sales process. That way, you can reach potential customers who are the best fit for your products. Thus, you can witness an increase in sales volume as they are most likely to make a sale.

how to increase sales volume

#14. Focus on top buyers

If you are figuring out ways on how to increase sales volume, prioritization can be considered the pinnacle of your sales effort. Make sure that you, your marketing and sales team are spending time and nerves on the right prospects. Top accounts – those that are likely to buy in great amounts or on a repeated basis are definitely a priority to your team.

how to increase sales volume

#15. Gather a group of customer advocates

This is the best way to gain customer loyalty and support which can also create a customer-centric environment. Besides, these customers can help spread their satisfying experiences using your products or services.

how to increase sales volume

#16. Implementing a data-driven sales approach

When you put revenue and data in the driver’s seat, you can strategically make your business more profitable. In a world where big data, artificial intelligence development have become the norm, data should be at the core of each part of the revenue management and planning process.

As data is recorded and tracked on a continuous basis, it could be a reliable source to set strategic and attainable goals to motivate and inspire performance, create a sale forecast.
how to increase sales volume

In addition, here we’ve complied some further strategies on how to increase sales volume:

  • Understand your competitors’ pricing, value, and promotion strategies
  • Know your product’s key qualities and differentiators.
  • Boost the relationship between sales and marketing.
  • Concentrate on increasing sales velocity.
  • Motivate and reward your salespeople.
  • Identify potential stumbling blocks and dangers.
  • Concentrate on time management.
  • Examine ramp time in greater detail.
  • Motivate and inspire performance by setting strategic goals.
  • Hire salespeople that are self-motivated.
  • Sales reps should be coached with effective training such as challenger sales model training.

Why Online Selling?

After getting the nitty-gritty of 20+ great ways on how to increase online sales, we will get you further details on the eCommerce industry based on our insights of 10+ years in the industry!

#1. Huge Potentials

The use of digital channels keeps increasing. As you may know, in 2020, over 2.05 billion people bought goods and services online. This number is expected to climb to 2.14 billion in 2021. During the same year, eCommerce sales amounted to $4.2 trillion worldwide.

How to increase sales volume
Global retail eCommerce sales volume (2014-2021)

Besides, online businesses can be opened 24/7 throughout the year. Therefore, you can maximize your profits as you can sell anytime, from anywhere, no matter whether it is midnight or early morning.

#2. Fast Go-to-Market Time & Low Cost

Launching an online store is simpler and cheaper than kicking off a traditional one. Many eCommerce platforms, in our analysis of hosted platforms such as Shopify or BigCommerce, provide you with a comprehensive package to get off the ground quickly.

Having difficulties building a Shopify store? This tutorial video will show you how to create a Shopify website from scratch:

If you want to sell on marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Etsy… you just need to register an account to get started.  Rather than paying large upfront investments that traditional retail can incur, building an eCommerce business is much more affordable.

#3. Easy to Expand

eCommerce selling can take on many different formats with different sources of customers. You can build and maintain your online presence on multiple platforms or integrate your eCommerce platform with marketplaces. 

If you opt for an eCommerce solution, such as BigCommerce, it enables you to pick different subscription pricing plans with advanced features to easily expand your online business. On the other hand, when you drive a traditional brick-and-mortar store, your business growth will cost you a pretty penny.

How to Increase Sales Volume – FAQs

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Hope that this article can help you answer tough questions when it comes to how to increase sales of a product, such as: What affects sales volume? Why is sales volume important? or How can you increase sales volume? and What are the strategies to improve sales performance?

At the end of the day, you have to fulfill the needs of your customers if you want to find ways on how to increase sales volume. Test both time-honored and creative ways to find out a strategy to develop sustainably. From my perspective, the key to success is the effective and appropriate use of both eCommerce platforms and marketplaces.

If you are currently running your online store on an eCommerce platform and aren’t satisfied with it, you should consider re-platforming to a more robust one. With LitExtension, you’ll experience a quick, secure and seamless data migration process. If you want to integrate your eCommerce platform with marketplaces, I recommend LitCommerce – a simple and affordable multi-channel selling tool.

Thank you for reading and good luck with your online business!

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