Email marketing is one of the first advertising methods used on the internet, but it still proves itself to be one of the most effective. Some people associate it with sending out spammy messages, but nowadays, email campaigns go far beyond that, making it a preferred choice for many e-commerce marketers. The question is, however, how to create email marketing campaign that doesn’t fall into the spam bucket?

The simple answer would be to prepare messages that outright benefit your target audience. But as you dive in, you’ll see that the process is a little more complicated. Building an email list, understanding the goal of the campaign, defining your target audience, picking the right email type, and the right time to send it – below, you will find everything you need to know about how to create email marketing campaign from the scratch. Read on!

5 Ways to Create Email Marketing Campaign

#1. Build an Email List

Building an email list is essential to any successful email marketing campaign, as you need to have a mailing list in order to send messages to your audience. Technically, you could try sending them to emails found on the web, but this method may not be entirely legal. Instead, rely on the list of people who subscribed or interacted with your page that allowed your email finder to get their email address.

There are many ways to get people to sign up for your email list, but if you want to do it the right way, use pop-ups, encourage people to sign up on your website, and make sure you have a prominent “subscribe” button. You may worry that your website will lose traffic, but in reality, it’s probably the easiest and most effective way of gaining new subscribers for the cost of a few seconds lost in scrolling.

Easysendy is the most satisfactory option for marketers to send marketing emails and drive better results. When you have several lists to send your messages to, with EasySendy, you can customize email pages to each segment.

create email marketing campaign

#2. Establish the Goal of the Campaign

Before you even think about the campaign itself, you need to define its goal. What do you need to create email marketing campaign sucessfully? Do you want to gain more followers, increase sales, improve your brand image, or inform your subscribers that from now on, they should contact you through a communication platform such as instead of through forms on your previous domain? These goals should be used to inform the rest of the campaign and, later, to measure its results.

So, before you begin writing and designing the email, make sure you know why you’re doing it. You may want to try a few different goals as well as different email types, which you can try out in separate campaigns or using A/B testing. The key here is to make sure you’re clear about your goal and try to pick up the best way of achieving it.

#3. Define Your Target Audience

The next step is to define precisely who you’re sending your email to. It may seem obvious that you should send it to everyone, but this can turn into a costly mistake. Keep in mind that every single email you send costs you money, so why waste that on sending emails about a product that a significant part of your audience may not want or need?

Defining your target audience means knowing exactly who you’re sending your emails to. Among other things, it means knowing their age, gender, location, interests, and needs. The more you know about your target audience, the more relevant your message is going to be – you don’t want to send messages about gardening discounts exclusive to Coupon Ninja to the golf enthusiasts that follow your blog, as it might result in them unsubscribing or be otherwise ineffective.

create email marketing campaign

#4. Pick the Right Email Type

Once you know who you’re targeting, you need to pick the most appropriate email type. For example, as a public relations firm, such as Bravo Group, you may want to send an email that presents a “behind the scenes” look at your business, a case study of recent activities, and offers to your potential clients.

To make managing your email campaigns even easier, it’s best to create email templates of your frequently used email types in advance. The most common ones are newsletters, product updates, welcome emails, and event invitations.


Newsletters are messages that you regularly send to your entire audience. They usually provide information about your latest products, news, promotions, or upcoming events and might also include a few sales offers.

Product Updates

Product updates are probably the best way to add value to your target audience and improve your brand image. These emails are sent to your current customers to inform them about new features, upgrades, or changes to your products.

Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are sent to new subscribers who signed up for your website or product. They usually include some basic info about your products, as well as a few links to popular articles or a few tips that might be helpful for your subscribers.

Event Invitations

The last email type is event invitations, and it’s probably the most effective way of creating good relationships with your followers. However, this works best in specific niches in which your subscribers actively participate.

Tracking emails

If you have an eCommerce business, you might offer package tracking by email, which is a good chance to re-engage with your clients. As tracking emails have an opening rate of almost 90%, they will give you a chance to promote sales and new products as well.

#5. Pick the Right Time to Send

This is probably the easiest thing to get right, but it’s still something that you should keep in mind. Sending emails at the wrong time is a great way to get your message dumped in the spam bucket. You can’t control what time your subscribers are going to read your message, but there are some general guidelines that are worth keeping in mind.

For newsletters, sending them at the beginning of a week is a good idea. For product updates, try to fit them in a few days before the launch or update, and so on. On top of that, if you are preparing some seasonal deals, it might be a good idea to send them closer to the actual holiday.

create email marketing campaign

Create Email Marketing Campaign – FAQs

1. What is an email marketing campaign?

Email marketing is a set of individual emails to communicate with current and potential customers with an aim to gain more followers, increase sales and improve your brand image in a specific marketing campaign.

2. How to create email marketing campaign?

LitExtension suggests you follow these 5 steps:

#1. Build an Email List

#2. Establish the Goal of the Campaign

#3. Define Your Target Audience

#4. Pick the Right Email Type

#5. Pick the Right Time to Send

Bottom Line

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools you can use to grow your brand. However, it isn’t as easy as sending a few promotional emails every once in a while. You need to work on growing a healthy email list, define the goal of the campaign, and pick the right message type and time to send it.

The results are usually worth the effort. So, don’t be afraid to get started and give email marketing a try. Once you see an increase in the ROI or conversion rate, you’ll know that it was worth it. We hope when you create email marketing campaign sucessfully, your business will flourish in 2022!


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