
Google Search Console and Google Analytics are among the most powerful e-commerce analytics tools in existence. Business owners from all over the world use them to monitor and analyze who is visiting their business websites, determine what these visitors are looking for, and figure out where they are coming from.

It might not seem like it, but you can use the data provided by these tools to introduce substantial changes to your business. To begin with, it could aid you in developing more effective marketing strategies and brainstorming interesting product ideas. In addition to that, it could be used as a bargaining chip in discussions with stakeholders, as well as help you conduct competitive research, encourage potential business partners to work with you, and set attainable business goals.

In case you want to learn more, read on! Below, you will find a simple guide that will show you what using Google Analytics and Google Search Console is all about. On top of that, you will get to see how both these tools can change your business for the better, no matter whether your company that’s developing a compliance management system for finance or festival management software.

Google Analytics

What Is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a website analytics tool that can provide you with data that you can use for things like search engine optimization, marketing, or to monitor AdWords competitors. It is available for free and can be used by anyone who has a Google account.

With Google Analytics, you can track website performance, as well as collect visitor insights. For that reason, it can help businesses determine what their best sources of traffic are, discover trends and patterns in user engagement, and obtain valuable visitor information.

What Is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is an app that is widely used in e-commerce. Its main focus is search engine optimization, also known as SEO. It has a number of useful features, such as detailed reports on how a given website performs in search engines, ranging from its bounce rate to its average position in search results.

Just like Google Analytics, Google Search Console is completely free. However, it is worth noting that you do not have to sign up for it to appear in Google Search results. Instead, it is just a tool meant to help you understand and improve how Google perceives your site.

How Could That Data Change Your Business?

More Effective Marketing Strategies

One of the ways in which you could use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to improve your business is by developing more effective marketing strategies. With the data that these tools provide, you can easily find out what kind of marketing campaigns are working and which ones need to be improved upon.

You could, for example, use Google Analytics to track the number of visitors that come to your website after you launch a marketing campaign that consists of paid advertisements. If you notice that the number of visitors is significantly lower than the number of people who have seen the advertisements, it might be beneficial to change your ad strategy.

Interesting Product Ideas

Another way in which you could use these tools to improve your business is by using them to come up with interesting product ideas. To illustrate, if you notice that your competitors rank high for a certain type of product that you do not sell, it might be a good idea to introduce that product to your range. For example, if you are running a blog on various communication, explaining to your audience how to fax from computer or send messages using radio waves could prove to be surprisingly effective in terms of increasing organic traffic.

In addition to that, if you notice that a lot of people are visiting your website from a certain country or region, it might be beneficial to target that market specifically. For instance, imagine that you are getting quite a few visitors from Germany. You could treat it as a sign that you need to start working on a German-language version of your website or, if you are selling software or training courses, start developing German-language versions of these products.

Persuading Stakeholders

Furthermore, you could use Google Analytics and Google Search Console data as a bargaining chip in discussions with stakeholders. For example, if you want to get more funding for your marketing campaigns, you could show your investors or shareholders how well your marketing efforts are working. However, for that to work, you would have to probably work with analytics or a marketing specialist who could help you present the data in an easily digestible format.

Goolge Analytics discussion

Conducting Competitive Research

In addition to the things mentioned above, you could use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to conduct competitive research. By way of illustration, if you notice that one of your competitors ranks high for a certain type of product or service, you could try to find out why that is. Is it because they have a better product? Or is it because they have better marketing than you do? Having found the answer, you could use that information to improve your business.

Other than that, you could also use these tools to find out which of your competitors is getting the most traffic from organic search. If you notice that a certain competitor is getting a lot of traffic from Google, it might be a good idea to find out what they are doing right and try to do the same thing as they are doing.

Getting Business Partners

What about using Search Console and Google Analytics to get business partners on board? The reports and presentations that can be created with the help of these tools can be used to show potential business partners what your website is all about and how popular it is. If you manage to impress them, they might want to start working with you!

Setting Attainable Business Goals

Finally, Google Analytics and Google Search Console could help you set attainable business goals. For example, if you notice that your website is not getting as much traffic as you would like it to, you could set a goal of increasing the number of visitors by a certain percentage within the next month. Similarly, if you notice that people are not spending enough time on your website, you could set a goal of increasing the average time spent on the site by a certain percentage.

Once you set a goal, you can start tracking your progress. You can do it quickly and effectively with a special application, such as Notion or Asana, but a simple spreadsheet should do the trick as well. Additional, you also can use Asana alternatives like Monday, Wrike, Jira and Basecamp, they are worth looking into to help you manage your workflow. If necessary, make changes to your website or marketing campaigns. This way, you can be sure that you are always moving in the right direction.

Google Search Console
Google Search Console

How Can You Learn How to Use Google Analytics and Search Console?

For starters, you should consider taking an online course on the topic. Such courses cover everything you need to know, from the basics of these tools to the more advanced stuff, such as creating custom reports and analyzing data. For instance, here you can find a course on Google Analytics made by Google themselves.

Alternatively, you could also read one of the many tutorials that have been written on the subject, such as this introduction to Google Analytics by Moz and this guide to Google Search Console by Backlinko.

Next, start tinkering with both Analytics and Search Console. Click around, try to figure out how they work and what kind of data you can get from them. You should be able to get the hang of it in no time! In this case try using a people analytics platform to get the more valuable insight into your business.

And in case you do not, remember that hiring a specialist to take care of it for you is always an option. For that kind of help, it would be best to get in touch with a freelance consultant or an SEO and digital PR agency. While it might be costly, having someone with vast experience in the field work on your website is definitely worth the money.

In order to find a specialist that you will be able to rely on, ask your friends or business partners for recommendations. You could also look for agencies or consultants online. Once you find a few that you like, get in touch with them and ask for a quote. If possible, look for someone who is willing to offer a free consultation so that you can get an idea of what working with them would be like.

In Conclusion

To sum up, the data from Google Analytics can bring huge changes to any business. For instance, if you want to, you could use reports generated with Google Analytics to prove that a specific marketing strategy is working, which can come in handy during discussions with stakeholders and potential business partners, large fundings like Apex Trader funding. In addition, all that data can bring about some interesting product ideas and aid you in setting attainable business goals, as well as help you come up with more effective marketing strategies and conduct competitive research.

All in all, no matter what you set out to do, remember that achieving some goals might take a lot of time and effort. But if you stay persistent and patient, you should be able to change your business for the better in no time!

Author Bio

Sara Kurczyńska is a content marketing specialist from Poland. She enjoys writing about content marketing, as well as search engine optimization and search engine marketing.

Google Analytics


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