PrestaShop to Shopify migration becomes a simple process when migrating with LitExtension. With over 12 years in the data migration field, we ensure that all your data (products, orders, customers, and others) will be migrated from PrestaShop to Shopify seamlessly, securely, and automatically within simple steps:

Now, let us guide you through the process of how to migrate PrestaShop to Shopify!

Grow Beyond PrestaShop Restrictions on Shopify’s Pioneering Platform

Trust our accredited migration professionals to streamline your store’s transition for optimized success.

How to Migrate from PrestaShop to Shopify

Moving from PrestaShop to Shopify – Preparation

1. Backup PrestaShop database

PhpMyAdmin, provided by several hosting providers, offers another way to get a complete dump of your database.

Log on to your PhpMyAdmin interface, select the database where PrestaShop is installed, and choose the “export” tab.

Export PrestaShop database
Export PrestaShop database in PhpMyAdmin

Check that all of your tables, views, and so on are set to backup. To receive the same file content as the mysqldump technique, check the following options:

  • Use the LOCK TABLES statement.

Click “Go“, then wait for the dump to be produced before downloading it.

⚠️ Important note: We firmly recommend you not leave your PrestaShop backups at the root of your store or in another place that could be easily publicly exposed! 

2. Create a new Shopify store

Now, before you can migrate PrestaShop to Shopify, you need a Shopify store first. To get a new Shopify store, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Shopify homepage.
  • Fill in your email address. Next, Shopify will ask some questions about your eCommerce store. You can choose to answer or skip everything to get into the Shopify dashboard.
  • Now, you have a Shopify store in hand to start switching from PrestaShop to Shopify!

If you are looking for a quick Shopify tutorial video that is going to guide you through all the primary steps to set up a Shopify store from scratch, check out this video below!

Don’t forget that we have some thorough information about Shopify for you to get further within the trial period!

How to Migrate From PrestaShop to Shopify in 3 Steps

As the #1 shopping cart migration expert in the industry, LitExtension will ensure to provide you with a seamless migration process from PrestaShop to Shopify with no technical skills required.

To visualize the PrestaShop Shopify migration in just 3 simple steps, we crafted this video to help you thoroughly all the way out!

First off, visit LitExtension to log in or register a LitExtension account. You also can log in easily with your existing Google or Facebook account.

Register a LitExtension account
Register a LitExtension account

Step 1: Set up Source Cart and Target Cart

Once you get on to the Migration page, click Create New Migration at the top right button on the screen.

To set up the Source Cart, let’s follow:

  • First, select PrestaShop as the Source Cart Type and provide your PrestaShop URL in the blank bar.
  • Then, click LitExtension Connector to download the connector (you can follow this guide to get ideas of setting up the connector), extract the zip file, and upload the connector to Prestashop’s root folder.
Set up Source cart Prestashop
Set up Source cart – PrestaShop
  • Right here, the Connector Installation will be automatically checked and informed on the screen without manual checking once you receive the “Connection was successfully installed“!

Moving on to setting up the Shopify Target Cart Set Up.

Target cart set up shopify
Target Cart set up – Shopify

In case you want a detailed visualization for getting the API key, please refer to this video below:

Once you fill in all the required information, hit the “Next: Configure your Migration” button and move on to the next step of switching from PrestaShop to Shopify.

Step 2: Select entities to migrate PrestaShop to Shopify

Now, choose entities you want to migrate. You can select either all of them together or certain data (for example, only Products and Customers).

Here at LitExtension, we support many types of data, including Products (with Categories), Customers (with their Orders), Pages, and Coupons for your PrestaShop Shopify migration.

Select entities to migrate
Select entities to migrate PrestaShop to Shopify

Apart from basic entities, we also provide Additional Options here to extend your migration possibilities. Below, I will pick some options and further analyze the ideas for you.

1. Create 301 Redirects.

This option will help you to automatically & permanently redirect your old URL path to the new one during the migration. As a result, you can maintain the SEO ranking of the old URLs after migration.

2. Strip HTML tags.

Product descriptions contain HTML tags that may cause display errors when moving your store to a new platform. This option will help you prevent this potential issue.

Import to Shopify - Additional Options
Import to Shopify – Additional Options

Finally, don’t forget to customize the Language Mapping and Order Status Mapping so that all your data will be matched together to be displayed correspondingly in the new store!

Step 3: Run demo/full migration from PrestaShop to Shopify

Now, you’re ready to perform PrestaShop to Shopify migration. But first, don’t miss the opportunity to try our Demo Migration for free to know how the LitExtension service will be worth your choice. And, of course, we highly recommend you to do so!

1. Demo Migration.

To start your demo migration, hit the “Next: Start Free Demo Migration” button to enjoy up to 200 entities.

switch from prestashop to shopify
Switch from PrestaShop to Shopify – Demo Migration result

You will experience the same actions as the actual migration and see the migrated data in your Shopify source store. Below is an example of new data appearing in my Shopify store after the Free Demo Migration.

data on new Shopify store after the migration
Data on the new Shopify store after the Fee Demo Migration with LitExtension

However, you can feel free to skip this step by clicking the “Skip Demo Migration” button to immediately move forward to run full migration.

2. Full Migration from PrestaShop to Shopify.

Now, you will get to the Full Migration page.

At this step, you can once again review the number of entities and the additional options you choose. Moreover, do you have any coupons from LitExtension? Don’t forget to fill it in to enjoy the discount!

Switching from PrestaShop to Shopify - Full Migration
Switching from PrestaShop to Shopify – Review package for Full Migration

If you’re ready, hit the “Start Full Migration Now” button to start the process.

Full Migration is running
Move from PrestaShop to Shopify – Full Migration is running

Once the migration is started, it will run seamlessly on the server. Therefore, there’s no need to keep your PC on while the migration is running. It is completely safe to turn it off! Take a break, have a cup of coffee, and you’ll be notified via email when the process is completed!

PrestaShop to Shopify migration results
PrestaShop to Shopify migration results

Throughout the entire migration process, LitExtension ensures that your old PrestaShop store continues to function normally. You can still receive new orders and customers as usual while focusing on setting up your new Shopify store.

That is how our further migration services come in handy!

  • Recent data migration – you can import newly appearing entities to your Shopify store.
  • Smart update – you can update changes made to data in your old store, as well as import new entities.
  • Re-migration – you migrate your data again from scratch.

You can access all 3 options for free if you have completed a full migration with LitExtension within the last 3 months and the number of additional entities is less than 10% of the total number of entities in the initial migration.

Save Time Migrating Your Store to Shopify

Trusted specialists streamline migrations that actualize ambitions.

PrestaShop to Shopify Migration – Post-Migration Checklist

When the migration is done, let’s follow set up all the necessary data on your new Shopify store.

Basically, we will list down 6 key actions:

  • Review carefully if your data has been migrated correctly
  • Design and set up your new Shopify store
set up new shopify store
Set up your new Shopify store

To get all the ideas, please refer to this checklist for a new Shopify store after re-platforming!

Transfer PrestaShop to Shopify – Recap

It’s time to grasp some quick takeaways from what we’ve gone through!

Above, we introduce you to the migration from PrestaShop to Shopify within 6 easy steps:

  1. Backup PrestaShop database – prevent all issues that may arise in the migration process.
  2. Create a new Shopify store – prepare a new Shopify site before the migration.
  3. Set up Source and Target Cart – install LitExtension Connector to PrestaShop root folder & provide Shopify API password.
  4. Select entities to migrate – select some / all entities to migrate to the new store.
  5. Run demo/ full migration from PrestaShop to Shopify – examine the demo migration & run the full process.
  6. Follow post migration checklist for the new Shopify store – get your Shopify store ready for online selling.

Should any issues arise when switching from PrestaShop to Shopify, our support team is always ready to assist you! LitExtension has a dedicated support team who are available 24/7 to handle any of your concerns via ticket, phone, live chat, or email. At LitExtension, customer satisfaction is our greatest success!


💡 In case you are busy and want someone to take care of your store migration completely, or if your store has some complicated third-party modules or some custom fields that need to be migrated from PrestaShop to Shopify? Consider our All-in-One Migration Package, which offers more than just data migration. You’ll have a dedicated Personal Assistant (PA) to support you through the entire process, including migrating customer passwords, SEO URLs, and 301 redirects!

Migrate PrestaShop to Shopify – FAQs

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Final Words

At the end of the day, you get all the ideas about how to migrate from PrestaShop to Shopify in 3 steps with LitExtension!

Please visit the LitExtension Blog section for more exciting eCommerce news and join our eCommerce community to seize the opportunities to connect with other eCommerce fellows!

Good luck with your new Shopify store!

You may also be interested in other migration pairs that LitExtension support:


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