Wix’s user-friendly platform offers you all the tools to enhance visibility, reach, and rankings. But using SEO tools and getting the most out of them takes a clear understanding of SEO basics and a well-thought-out plan. So you must learn how to improve Wix SEO if you want to attract quality organic traffic to your web store and convert that traffic into sales.

Don’t worry! In this article, we will give you 12 effective tips for improving your Wix website SEO, covering both fundamental and professional tactics:

Let’s get to the heart of SEO optimization for Wix and give you the information and tools you need to do well.

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An Outlook on Wix’s SEO

Wix is a well-known website builder with many tools to help you make a beautiful website. But when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO) on a Wix site, there are some basics you need to know.

In this part, we’ll look at Wix’s overall SEO and discuss its pros and cons.

#1. Understanding Wix SEO fundamentals

Wix has made much progress in improving its SEO features. It gives users the tools to make their websites work better for search engines. Wix’s meta tags, alt text for images, and URL structure are all essential parts of SEO.

Even though Wix has an easy-to-use interface, it’s important to remember that SEO requires careful planning and execution.

#2. Wix’s SEO: Pros and cons

Wix handles all of a website’s SEO needs. It can be a great tool for small businesses that care more about how easy it is to use than having full control over every aspect of their site.

[wptb id=64566]

Remember that Wix is a website builder; you won’t have as much control as you do when you host your site.

By knowing these pros and cons, you can make better decisions about the SEO strategy for your Wix website. Let’s now look at how to improve Wix SEO with 12 tips.

Additional Wix resources you shouldn’t ignore:

How to Improve Wix SEO – 12 Battle-tested Tips

So how to add SEO to Wix website? These 12 best practices can boost your website’s SEO, organic traffic, and online visibility.

#1. Follow the Wix SEO checklist

One of the biggest Wix website SEO problems for a newbie is that you do not check the Wix SEO Checklist clearly. Actually, this guide helps you optimize essential SEO elements like meta titles, descriptions, and alt-text. Make sure to change these parts for each page and focus on relevant keywords.

On the Wix dashboard, click Marketing & SEO > SEO. Then, Wix will ask you to fill out the SEO Setup Checklist.

Wix SEO checklist
Wix SEO checklist

Your list will look like this. Click on each item on the list for more information about how to do it.

The details of SEO setup checklist
The details of SEO setup checklist

#2. Connect to Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a valuable tool to show you how Google’s search engine sees your site. You can check the indexing status, find problems, and make your site more visible in search results.

Getting your Wix site to work with the Google Search Console is easy. With a paid Wix account, you can use the SEO Setup Checklist to do this.

First, finish everything in the “Get the homepage ready for Google search” step mentioned in the SEO Setup Checklist. Then, click Connect and submit your website to Google Search Console > Connect Now.

After that, Wix will show you how to do everything.

Connect to Google Search Console
Connect to Google Search Console

#3. Submit a sitemap

Wix sitemaps are automatically submitted to Google after Search Console integration. Page types divide Wix sitemaps. This means Wix automatically creates a sitemap for product pages, blog posts, etc.

  • No indexed, canonicalized, or gated URLs are excluded.
  • A new sitemap is automatically created after 10,000 URLs.
  • Wix also creates an image sitemap for products, events, bookings, online programs, and forum images.

Even though Wix makes sitemaps visible, you can’t change them. We’d suggest that you check to see if there are any indexed or duplicate mistakes.

#4. Optimize image sizes

Large images can slow down your website’s load time, negatively affecting the user experience and SEO.

That’s why we highly advise using image optimization tools or apps to compress your images before uploading them to your Wix site.  For example, tools like TinyPNG will make your images smaller without worsening them before putting them on Wix.

Image optimization tools
Image optimization tools

#5. Utilize alt-text

If you wonder how to Improve Wix SEO, adding descriptive alt-text is one of the necessary ways. Alt text aims to make websites more accessible by telling people who can’t see images what they are showing. But it also helps search engine bots, which makes SEO better.

You should describe the image first, prevent keyword stacking, and use relevant keywords when you can. The alt text doesn’t have to be long, but it should be as specific and clear as possible to help the user the most.

For example:

[wptb id=64678]

#6. Optimize title tags and meta descriptions

Every page on your site needs a unique title tag and meta description that is also optimized.

  • Title tag: Tells users and search engines what your page is about.
  • Meta description: Gives a more detailed description of your page’s content. Google uses both elements to create its search engine result snippets.

In search results, these elements show what your content is about. Include relevant keywords on your site and make people click through.

Here’s how to improve Wix SEO by optimizing title tags and meta descriptions:

  • On the left side of the editor, click Site Pages and Menu (1).
  • Use the list to find the page you want to change.
  • Click the … next to the page title (2), then click SEO basics (3).
  • Edit your title tag and meta description, and see what your Google search snippet will look like (4).
Optimize title tags and meta descriptions
Optimize title tags and meta descriptions

Here are some tips for writing title tags and meta descriptions:

  • Keep title tags short – between 50 and 60 characters.
  • Use between 155 and 160 characters in your meta descriptions.
  • Add your target keyword to both.
  • Use the active voice and call-to-action (CTA) phrases in your meta descriptions to make them actionable.

#7. Set up friendly URLs

One of the Wix website SEO problems you don’t pay too much attention to is URL linking. In fact, a friendly URL helps Google figure out what your page is about. It’s also good for the way people use the site. Thus, every page on your site should have a URL slug that is clear and easy to understand.

The last part of a page’s URL address is the URL slug. For instance, this article’s slug is /wix-seo/.

You can easily do this in the same SEO basics settings where you change the title tag and meta description in Wix.

Here is how to improve Wix SEO by writing well-designed URL slugs:

  • Keep URL slugs short and easy to understand.
  • Instead of underscores (_), use hyphens (-).
  • Use only lowercase letters.
  • Don’t use any special characters.
More guide to Wix to help your business grow:

#8. Do keyword research

Keyword research is discovering what terms your ideal audience types into search engines to find what they seek. It’s the first step that every SEO project needs to take.

One of the best things about Wix is that it works well with Semrush and lets you use the Semrush database, which has more than 24 billion keywords, right in the Wix interface for keyword research. Luckily, if you use Semrush, Wix integrates seamlessly with Semrush.

Go to the SEO Setup Checklist to find out how to use Semrush. You can find it in Marketing & SEO on the SEO dashboard; click Find the best keywords with Semrush.

Do keyword research
Do keyword research

#9. Write high-quality content

One of the best ways to get more organic traffic to your site is to start a blog and post high-quality content regularly.

Blogs make it easy for small businesses to get the word out about their content. Make original content that is useful, interesting, and answers the questions and needs of your target audience. The good news is that blogging is already built into Wix.

Content remains king in SEO. Adding your content to your site is easy with the Wix editor. But creating content your ideal customers want to see takes time and work.

Here are some tips on how to Improve Wix SEO with good content:

  • Always think about who you’re writing for.
  • Give complete answers to the questions and needs of your users.
  • Give something extra, like thoughtful insights, great supporting media, unique data, etc.
  • Make sure your writing is clear and easy to read.
  • Apply subheadings, lists, and other structural formatting to break up big chunks of text.
  • Leverage multimedia content like videos, images, etc.

Here, our best advice is to look at the content on the pages that rank first for the keywords you want to target. This can be done with the help of Semrush’s SEO Content Template. Indeed, you can determine which backlinks you should get, how long your text should be, and what keywords you can rank for.

Semrush SEO Content Template recommendation
Semrush SEO Content Template recommendation

#10. Add internal links

Internal links on your site go from one page to another. Strong internal linking can make your most important pages more authoritative and on-topic, improving search engine rankings.

Link-related pages in your content can help users find what they want and spread link authority.

Luckily, Wix makes it easy to add links to your pages.

First, choose the text you want to be your link (1). Click the link icon (2) in the window that pops up. Use the Which page? (3) drop-down menu to choose the page you want to link to. Then press Done (4).

How to Improve Wix SEO by adding internal links
How to Improve Wix SEO by adding internal links

#11. Build more backlinks

Backlinks are a big part of SEO ranking. Search engines trust sites that have high-quality backlinks, which demonstrates the reliability of your website. An essential step in acquiring these valuable backlinks is through link prospecting, a process where you identify potential websites from which you can earn backlinks.

Google sees links from one website to another as votes for how good each site is. Pages with many good backlinks usually rank higher in search results.

A great way to find opportunities for link prospecting to link back is to use Semrush’s Backlink Gap tool to look at your competitors’ backlinks. After the analysis, compare outsource vs in-house link building and get your backlink building started.

Semrush's advanced filter helps you find reliable backlinks
Semrush’s advanced filter helps you find reliable backlinks

#12. Set up Google Analytics

The last step in our guide on how to improve Wix SEO today is setting up reports and analytics for your site.

You can track traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates by learning how to add Google Analytics to Wix site. Review reports often to find places to improve and change your SEO strategy.

You need a premium account to connect your Wix site to Google Analytics. Go to Marketing Integrations > Connect, which is right below where it says Google Analytics. Then, follow the steps to get your Google Analytics account connected.

Set up Google Analytics
Set up Google Analytics

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How to Improve Wix SEO – FAQs

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Final Words

Once you learn how to improve Wix SEO, you need to do a mix of technical optimization, strategic content creation, and ongoing monitoring. LitExtension, the #1 Shopping Cart Migration Expert, hopes that with these best practices and Wix’s built-in tools, you can increase the visibility of your website, get more organic traffic, and reach your online goals. Learn more about online store management on our LitExtension blog and in the eCommerce community.


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