ix lightbox lets you showcase videos, short notifications, images, and other content to your visitors visually. If you want to apply all these to your site, don’t miss an opportunity to learn how to add a lightbox in Wix with us!

In this blog, we’ll guide you on using the Wix lightbox form with the 4 simple steps without considering any coding skills. Keep reading to uncover:

Are you ready to get started with us? Let’s dive into how to add a lightbox in Wix below.

Understand Lightbox In Wix

To use Wix lightbox URL on your site, you need to get everything about Wix lightboxes in detail. This helps you to master your lightbox’s design, timing, and copy. Here’s some essential knowledge about a Wix lightbox to consider.

What is a lightbox?

A lightbox is a Wix window overlay, firstly preventing your visitors from approaching your site’s content. It means that when a lightbox popup appears, the background can be dimmed, making all site objects not valid to interact. You can see these lightboxes anywhere on your site: in Wix headers, bottom or sides of pages, strips, and even in the center of your site.

You can use a lightbox in Wix to obtain visitors’ email addresses for marketing promotions for your brand on-site. This allows you to encourage your visitors to subscribe to your site and get product updates as soon as possible.

Common lightbox examples in Wix

Wix provides you with a range of lightbox styles to promote on your site. Here are some spot-on lightbox examples you can consider when adding a Wix lightbox URL.

  • Promotion lightbox

In your online store, you can use a promotion lightbox to treat your customers with a special discount. Remember to keep its design clear, visual, and matching your brand image. You can add some objects or images to grab strong attention from your visitors.

Promotion lightbox templates on Wix
Promotion lightbox templates on Wix
  • Contact
Contact lightbox templates on Wix
Contact lightbox templates on Wix

You can use a contact lightbox to confirm your professionalism in your business field. Let’s design a special pop-up letting your visitors contact experienced supporters for useful tips. This can help the visitors get proper solutions to tackle their problems effectively.

  • Subscribe
Subscribe lightbox templates on Wix
Subscribe lightbox templates on Wix

A subscribe lightbox allows you to collect information from your followers, such as phone numbers, names, and emails. Thus, whenever you promote any new plan or campaign, you can easily announce them with all essential messages.

  • Welcome
Welcome lightbox templates on Wix
Welcome lightbox templates on Wix

You can use a welcome lightbox popup to give a friendly greeting to your audiences, especially first-time visitors. Once your site gets an impressive welcome lightbox, the visitors’ return rate can be improved significantly. Therefore, keep welcome lightboxes clear and personalized all the time to make your brand outstanding.

That’s all essential information about Wix lightboxes to consider before adding any lightbox popup on the site.

How To Add A Lightbox In Wix In 4 Steps

Are you confused about adding a lightbox in Wix? Don’t worry. You are not alone. We’re here to guide you on how to add a lightbox in Wix, along with some useful tips to attain it effectively.

Step 1 – Select a lightbox template to add your site

In your Wix Dashboard, click the Edit Site to open your site in your Wix Editor.

Then, click the Add Elements button on the left bar to open the Add Elements tab.

Click Add Elements button to open a respective tabClick Add Elements button to open a respective tab
Click Add Elements button to open a respective tab

Next, click the Interactive, then hover over the Lightboxes box.

Click Interactive to hover over Lightboxes box
Click Interactive to hover over Lightboxes box

After that, click a lightbox category (ex. Promotion), then select the proper design to finish this step.

Click a lightbox category to select a proper template
Click a lightbox category to select a proper template

Step 2 – Customize your lightbox with elements

After ending the first step, a lightbox will be on your site.

A new lightbox on your site
A new lightbox on your site

To customize your lightbox with elements, click the Add Elements button to reach various element options.


Click Add Elements button to open various options
Click Add Elements button to open various options

Then, click the element type (ex., Text or Button) to open each element’s categories.

Click an element type to select an element category
Click an element type to select an element category

Next, click the targeted element and drop it on your lightbox to finish this step.

Drop a targeted element on your lightbox
Drop a targeted element on your lightbox

Step 3 – Set your lightbox trigger on your site

Firstly, click the lightbox on your site to open various relevant options.

Click your lightbox to show relevant options
Click your lightbox to show relevant options

Then, click the Set Triggers to open the Lightbox Settings tab.

Click Set Triggers to open Lightbox Settings tab
Click Set Triggers to open Lightbox Settings tab

Finally, you have 2 options to display your lightbox to the visitors. Including:

  • Option #1: If you want to display your lightbox when loading site pages, click the Yes button. Then, click the Which pages is it on? and Delay (secs) to modify relevant information.
Click Yes to display your lightbox
Click Yes to display your lightbox
  • Option #2: If you don’t want to display your lightbox on Wix pages, click the No button to finish.
Click No to not display your lightbox
Click No to not display your lightbox

Step 4 – Select how to close your lightbox to visitors

In the final step, you have 2 methods to set up how to close the lightbox to visitors. Including:

#1. Use Lightbox Settings

In the Lightbox Settings, move to the “How does lightbox close?” box.

Move How does lightbox close box in Lightbox Settings
Move How does lightbox close box in Lightbox Settings

Then, you have 3 options to select, including:

  • Option #1: Click the “X” icon to allow your visitors to close your lightbox with an X icon.
Click X icon to establish your lightbox exiting
Click X icon to establish your lightbox exiting
  • Option #2: Click the “Close” button to exit it with a “Close” button on the popup.
Click Close button to establish your lightbox exiting
Click Close button to establish your lightbox exiting
  • Option #3: If you want to select both the “X” icon and “Close” button,  enable them on both boxes.
Click Close button and X icon to establish your lightbox exiting
Click Close button and X icon to establish your lightbox exiting

#2. Use Sep up Overlay

Firstly, click the lightbox’s surrounding area to open relevant options.

Click the area surrounding your lightbox to show options
Click the area surrounding your lightbox to show options

Next, click the Set Up Overlay to open the Overlay Settings tab

Click Set Up Overlay to open Overlay Settings tab
Click Set Up Overlay to open Overlay Settings tab

After that, select the Enable/Disable in the Clicking closes lightbox to close the lightbox from the overlay.

Click Enable/Disable in Overlay Settings tab
Click Enable/Disable in Overlay Settings tab

Finally, click the Save to confirm your process.

With our detailed guide on how to add a lightbox in Wix, we hope you can attain that easily.

To delete some unnecessary lightboxes in Wix, you can follow 3 detailed steps below:

  • #1: Click the Page drop-down on the top bar in your Wix Editor.
  • #2: Move to the Lightbox box and select the Settings icon.
  • #3: Click the Delete to confirm your process.

Essential Tips & Tricks To Add A Lightbox In Wix

When adding Wix lightboxes in Wix, don’t ignore basic principles to enhance your adding process’s efficiency. To make the most out of your Wix lightbox popups, you should get some of our tips and tricks on how to add a lightbox in Wix below.

Keep your lightbox content simple and clear

To grab your visitors’ attention in the best way, always keep your lightbox content clear and easily readable anywhere on your site. You can promote a lightbox’s text and background in terms of color contrast, which is one of the simplest ways to gain your site’s impression in the public.

Organize your lightboxes visually

Using visual hierarchy in your text is highly recommended while designing Wix lightboxes. It means you should focus on the central message and then make it the most outstanding item in your design. Another idea is to use images to organize your lightbox popups on your site. This can make your lightboxes more colorful and visual in your visitors’ eyes.

Keep connected with your brand identity

When you adopt how to add a lightbox in Wix, remember to keep it aligned with the rest of your site’s structure, design, and content. To create these strong connections, you should consider all aspects, including color palette, general presence, and typography, before designing your lightboxes.

Make your lightbox with an outstanding CTA

Adding a button in your lightbox for CTA or other purposes is one of the smart ways to navigate your visitors to various sections on your site. Let’s use a dominant color and attach a specific text like “Join with us” for your CTA button to effectively engage your visitors’ interests.

Whether you are a beginner or a professional in designing objects on Wix, don’t forget to make your site’s presence outstanding with lightboxes.

How To Add A Lightbox In Wix – FAQs

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Final Words

Our blog has shown you how to add a lightbox in Wix and suggested useful tips to adopt this practice. The most important thing to consider when adding a popup/lightbox is to keep your content simple and clear all the time. Once done right, you can effectively encourage your visitor’s engagement in marketing promotions for your business.

LitExtension, the #1 Shopping Cart Migration Expert, hopes you can adopt how to add a lightbox in Wix flexibly, depending on your products and demands. Let’s check our LitExtension Blog or join our Facebook Community Group for more useful tips.


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