Abandoned Cart Emails refer to follow-up emails you send to online shoppers who add items into their shopping cart but leave the site before purchasing.

Cart abandonment may be due to a lack of incentives, unclear return policies, and high shipping costs. To recapture the lost sales, send timely reminders or offer discounts to trigger some come-back actions of the customer. This can’t be more effective than when done through email.

Abandoned Cart Emails are a crucial part of transactional emails, aiming at reminding the customer to complete the purchase of an item(s) they added to the cart. In short, abandoned cart emails trigger a comeback.

11 Best Abandoned Cart Emails to Inspire You

1. J. Crew Classic Abandoned Cart Email Example

J. Crew Classic best abandoned cart emails
Source: Original J. Crew Email

Crew’s abandoned cart email approach showcases how classy they are with their brand.

Besides reminding their customers of the items they left in their shopping cart, they invite them to have a look at other items they may like to buy.

They provide CTAs to new arrivals, fall finds and looks that they love pages.

This abandoned cart email has a similar interface to the online store to enable shoppers to remember their actions before this email. In short, it maintains familiarity with the brand.

2. Faithful to Nature Free Shipping Offer in Abandoned Cart Email

Faithful to Nature best abandoned cart emails
Source: Original Faithful to Nature Email

This email creates a sense of urgency by using the words “Our sales are often limited”, followed by a free shipping code to motivate the shopper to complete their purchase.

The body of this cart abandonment email provides the product details, its cost, and the number of items left in the shopping cart. This acts as a quick reminder to the customer.

3. Shop Style Abandoned Cart Recovery Email with Discount

Visually appealing designs like the one below remind the shopper of the item they abandoned and why they were interested in buying from the particular store in the first place.

Shop Style best abandoned cart emails
Source: Shopstyle Email

The above recovery email is a perfect copywriting and creative design that suits marketing messages and brand communication styles.

Another good part of this email is promoting free returns, free ships, and a coupon. Additionally,  it has a clear “Finish Your Purchase” CTA button.

All these lead to better conversion rates of the recovery email. Of more importance is the direct link to the abandoned cart.

4. Adidas Personalized Abandonment Cart Email

Adidas Personalized Abandonment Cart Email
Source: Original Adidas Email

This abandoned cart email focuses on the personalization principle. The brand is familiar with the fantastic increment of email open and conversion rates by tailored messages.

There are images dynamically inserted all over the email body plus the product name to make the email more relevant.

Consequently, there is increased continuity between this email and the customer’s items before abandoning the checkout process.

5. Chubbies Shorts Remarketing Email

Chubbies Shorts Remarketing Email
Source: Orginal Chubbies Email

This persuasive online retailer is much informed on writing attractive abandoned cart recovery emails.

Their abandoned cart email is as unique and radical as the brand itself and has a high level of creativity.

This is portrayed by the irresistible CTA “Teleport to Your Cart”.

6. Nordstrom Rack Abandoned Cart Email with Limited Quantities Approach

Nordstrom Rack best abandoned cart emails
Source: Original Nordstrom Rack Email

For Nordstrom Rack, one CTA is not enough! They may look simple but are strategically positioned in favor of the brand.

This abandoned cart email has a sense of urgency with the message “Complete your order before they’re gone!”

The email is detailed with the product image, item size, limited quantity approach, color, and the product’s price. This makes the recovery email more personalized and thus has high open and conversion rates.

7. Peel Abandoned Cart Recovery Email

Peel abandoned cart emails
Source: Original Peel Email

The most excellent aspect of this cart abandonment email is the provision for free shipping.

Besides inspiring shoppers to purchase their abandoned items, they also offer incentives for the customers to include extra items into their carts as they complete the forsaken purchase.

This recovery email has a classy layout, including introductory text, abandoned items, questions, CTA, and footer.

8. Casper Catchy Abandoned Cart Email

Casper Catchy abandoned cart emails
Source: original Casper email

The outstanding element of this cart abandonment email is the use of social proof. In digital marketing today, reviews are becoming increasingly significant.

Many customers will abandon their cart due to the lack of enough information about the item they are interested in.

Casper has enabled their cart abandoners to continue with the preliminary research and gather sufficient detail to complete their checkout.

In addition, the email has a catchy text with a straightforward CTA to inspire the shopper to continue purchasing.

9. Asos Abandoned Cart Email Example with Product Presentation

Asos abandoned cart emails
Source: Original Asos Email

The design is pretty simple and identical to the brand. It resembles the homepage of the store.

The messaging is consistent with the brand, having humorous subheadings and the copy. The sender of this email seems to be much informed about the persona of the shopper.

Also, they use visuals to play around with the reader’s psychology and remind them what they left behind.

The email offers free delivery and assures the recipient that it is easy to return items. This increases the chances of the abandoner completing their sales as it sounds non-risky.

10. Simple Golde Abandoned Cart Email with Offer

Simple Golde best abandoned cart emails
Source: Original Golde Email

The store uses the reduced first-order cost by offering a 15% discount. Also, besides encouraging the shopper to return to their cart by including a backlink, they suggested other related items that the customer may be interested in.

All these abandoned cart best practices focus on increasing the customer’s conversion rate.

11. Society6 Abandoned Cart Example

Society6 abandoned cart emails
Source: Original Society6 Email

The email has awe-inspiring visuals which attract the shopper’s attention at a glance!

The other impressive thing about their message is that the customer is assured of the abandoned items’ 48-hour security. This gives the shopper enough time to go back for their cart.

The 30% coupon offered inspires the customer to return. If the cause of their cart abandonment was due to the high cost of the item(s), then they now have no reason not to complete the purchase.

The email concludes with social proof, which stresses the brand’s public trust.

How Do I Start Sending Abandoned Cart Emails?

To recover your lost sales, below are some tips to enable you to design and send compelling abandoned cart emails to help you out.

1. Use An Excellent Subject Line

Your subject line is everything! Even if you have a perfectly designed abandoned cart email template and the best shopping strategy, it’s all meaningless without a compelling subject line.

Great subject lines increase email open and conversion rates.

A compelling subject line should:

  • Be straightforward and attractive
  • Create a sense of agency
  • Stir up emotions
  • Be personalized

Should you be in need of some catchy Black Friday subject lines, we’re here to help!

2. Design A Catchy Abandoned Cart Email Template

Abandoned cart examples are significant in crafting emails that can re-engage and squeeze your potential customers through the checkout process.

To get great abandoned cart examples, go to Sender.net library or build your own design.

best abandoned cart emails

3. Remind Your Website Visitor The Item They Abandoned

Because your customer might have forgotten what they left behind, add a compelling copy of the items’ detailed images together with their information.

This personalizes your email and lets the abandoner know what they are missing by not completing their purchase.

An ideal abandoned cart email should:

  • Center the abandoned items
  • Not have social media buttons
  • Avoid some unnecessary, destructive element
  • Include a back-to-cart button or link

4. Provide Incentives To The Customers

One of the main reasons for cart abandonment is high prices. Therefore, you could consider offering the shopper free shipping or a discount coupon to encourage them to return.

This can improve your customers’ brand loyalty and sales potential.

Consider the points below when offering incentives:

  • Deep discounts produce price-sensitive customers
  • Habitual abandoned cart discounts might encourage carts abandonment
  • A 10% discount is enough for the recovery of lost sales
  • Free shipping abandoned cart strategy can harm your overall sales

5. Include An Attractive Call-To-Action

Your aim is to get the shopper to return to your online store for the abandoned items.

Hence, your email should have a clear and bold CTA linking your prospects to the abandoned cart and the abandoned items photos.

Also, provide a link for the shopper to reach out to you for any clarification needed.

An attractive CTA should  be:

  • Simple and readable fonts
  • Eye-catching button text
  •  Outstanding button color
  • Be separated from the email body

Doing Your Abandoned Cart Recovery The Right Way

Cart abandonment is a significant threat to the success of many eCommerce businesses today. Therefore, you should give the issue the attention it deserves.

With the abandoned cart examples above, you can optimize your abandoned cart emails by implementing your acquired strategies.

If you carry out the task the right way, you’ll get more shoppers back to your website to complete their abandoned purchases. And at the end of the day, your sales will skyrocket.


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