The last two months of 2023 await the biggest sales seasons of the year, and these events will be kicked off by Black Friday. On November 24, your business will receive an enormous number of customers coming to visit. As a result, during this Black Friday weekend, your sales volume will skyrocket. But the question is, do you know the best Black Friday tips to get ready for a booming Black Friday season?

In this article, let’s check out 7+ Black Friday tips to get the most out of this selling event and maximize your store’s profit, including:

7+ Black Friday Tips for a Thriving Selling Season

Black Friday tips
7+ Black Friday online tips for a successful selling season

Carefully prepare for Black Friday

The most important Black Friday tips is coming up with a plan to prepare for Black Friday. During this selling season, your store will witness a much higher order volume and an endless stream of customers. Therefore, without a meticulous plan, everything might be uncontrollable and unmanageable.

The second factor that is worth your attention is your website performance. Several studies have indicated the close relationship between page loading speed and conversion rates. As stated in a recent report by Unbounce, 70% of online shoppers declare that page speed influences their purchase decision. Besides, Google also states that the longer your site loads, the higher the bounce rate is.

Black friday tips
Page loading time has a great impact on bounce rate

Website performance is a vital element that might directly affect your sales, especially at this particular time of the year. Therefore, if you are running on a slow-loading eCommerce platform, our ultimate Black Friday eCommerce tips is to consider changing it. There is a wealth of solutions that might meet your demand, namely Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce. In case you have any intention to migrate, consider using LitExtension – The #1 eCommerce Migration Service.

With LitExtension, all your data will be transferred quickly, accurately, and with the highest level of security. LitExtension guarantees to migrate your store without causing any interruption to your business. In other words, during the migration process, your store can operate and receive customers normally. Besides, LitExtension also offers top-of-the-class 24/7 customer service right at your fingertips to resolve your problems.

Start early

Although it is not until the end of November that Black Friday officially kicks off, it is better to start Black Friday at the early stage. This event can start much earlier than November 26, and lasts even after the D-day. The major reason behind this phenomenon lies in the shipping delays during the holiday season. Thus, consumers tend to shop a few days in advance to avoid late shipment.

Black friday tips
Businesses started to earn profit even before Black Friday.

As a matter of fact, last year, many retailers even launched their Black Friday campaigns three to four weeks prior to the actual date.

This time last year, Microsoft decided to announce its Sneak Peek sales event ten days prior to the Black Friday date. By starting early, this tech retailer can build customers’ anticipation by dropping discounts for selected products on each day, all the way from November 16 to the end of November.

Black friday tips
Microsoft Black Friday deals

Having the same intention as Microsoft, a front-runner in the retail market, Amazon, extended its Black Friday deals to one week instead of one day. This leading retailer started to give out exclusive Black Friday sales on November 20 and ended on November 27. This tactic is also applied by major names like Walmart, Target, and Costco who dropped their deals several days ahead of this event.

Black friday tips
Amazon Black Friday deals

Boost Commerce Banner

Propose intriguing deals to attract more customers

It is not Black Friday without lucrative deals. Therefore, it is vital to come up with a plethora of appealing, engaging, and intriguing Black Friday sales for your customers.

Please keep in mind that Black Friday is not an ordinary sale event. People flock to your store with the expectation to find different and outstanding Black Friday deals. Our Black Friday tips for retailers is that, why not be creative, go big, and offer customers exclusive sales that they should not miss.

There are many approaches you can adopt when planning for BFCM deals. One of the easiest eCommerce black friday marketing tips is to add special discounts directly to your products.

This approach is highly favored by e-merchants, regardless of their sizes and business types. Last year, several major names in the retailing market like Costco, Target, or Best Buy all employed this strategy to plan their Black Friday deals.

Black friday tips
Best Black Friday deals

On the other hand, you can try to offer bundle sales instead of single discounts to each product. This approach will not only nudge your customers to purchase more but also increase your average order value.

For example, last year, on November 24, Sony dropped out its Black Friday deals for the “Only on PlayStation” bundle. This package included three exclusive PS4 games, The Last of Us: Remastered, Horizon Zero Dawn, and God of War at $199.99. It was such a lucrative deal for buyers since it saved around $160 compared to a single purchase of each item.

Black friday tips
PlayStation Black Friday deals

Build anticipation with a new landing page or banner

Now that you have intriguing BFCM deals, it’s time to promote them to your website visitors. You can create fresh and eye-catching landing pages, pop-ups, or banners that highlight your store’s exclusive discounts. By doing this, you can ensure the excitement of current customers and capture the attention of new visitors.

Building a new pop-up or banner is not too complicated. Luckily, several eCommerce platforms are fully equipped with a wealth of pre-made landing page templates. Whether you are running on hosted solutions like Shopify or on open-source platforms like Magento, you can easily and effortlessly create a clear and well-implemented landing page for Black Friday. However, please make sure to avoid any design mistakes and include all the essentials for a high-converting BFCM landing page.

Draw up and implement effective marketing strategies

Now that your deals and products are ready, don’t forget to promote your store to boost traffic and gain more customers. There are several marketing strategies you can implement to spread your brand awareness and announce your Black Friday sales.

One popular tactic to improve your digital presence is leveraging your social media strength. With over 4.2 million active users, social media has become a fertile ground for businesses to advertise. You can make full use of this golden marketing channel and build profitable Black Friday social media campaigns, which can increase customers’ engagement, collect incentives, and build anticipation towards the sale.

Another way to distribute your sales information is through email marketing. Statistic from the previous Black Friday season has demonstrated that email marketing is the winner when it comes to conversion rate. Therefore, why don’t you seize this chance to grow your email list and attract more customers?

Black friday tips
Email has the highest conversion rate

However, providing a good deal in your Black Friday email might not be enough to appeal to customers. Please don’t forget to follow this holiday email marketing checklist to ensure the highest quality of your email to convert more.

Have your customer service on standby and ready to work

Bear in mind that during Black Friday, your store will receive a massive wave of traffic. Whether they are first-time visitors or returning customers, they might have questions or other inquiries for your business. Therefore, it is important to set up 24/7 customer service through live chat and email. Besides, always be well-prepared for any unexpected questions to improve customer experience.

Black friday tips
Always keep your customer service ready

Analyze your Black Friday report after this season

When the clock strikes midnight and turns to November 27, it doesn’t mean that your Black Friday event is over. Now, it’s time to draw up a Black Friday report to see how well your store did during the most hectic time of the year. This is a golden opportunity to reflect on your store, keep up with your good work, and make room for any improvement.

Please keep in mind that Black Friday is just the opening of the holiday shopping season. It is followed by a series of events including Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, Christmas Sales, and Boxing Day. Critically analyzing your Black Friday report and pointing out what needs to be changed will set a strong ground to boost your sales in these future events.

What else for crafting a perfect email marketing campaign? Check out our Black Friday strategy for Black Friday – Cyber Monday weekend below:

  1. Black Friday Email: Examples, Tips & Winning Strategies
  2. 50 Best Black Friday Subject Lines: Winning Tips & Examples
  3. 15 Cyber Monday Marketing Ideas You Can’t Overlook

Black Friday Tips: FAQs

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Black Friday Tips and Tricks: Key Takeaways

Black Friday is an ideal opportunity to step up your business game and take it to the next level. Therefore, with all the best Black Friday tips we have collected above, we hope that you will have a successful selling season.

In case you have questions or inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to LitExtension. Our 24/7 dedicated customer support is always ready to assist you.

Last but not least, please check out our LitExtension blog and join our Facebook Community to get more tips and news to grow your business.


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