Today’s market is oversaturated with small-, medium-, and large-scale companies willing to promote their products to a larger audience. When it comes to any business model, lead generation becomes a huge part of a brand growth journey.

Time marches on, and so changes eCommerce, and you need to track these chops and changes in the eCommerce industry to help your business survive and grow sustainably over time.

We are here to help you discover the nine most effective ways to increase sales volume in 2024.

Learn Your Perfect Lead

When we are talking about leads, we primarily mean the ones who will be interested in your product and can potentially become your customers. In the case of online stores, they show their attention with various actions, such as following your accounts on social media, subscribing to email newsletters, or clicking your ads.

That is where lead generation strategies become crucial for the growth of your business. Basically, it is the process of reaching out to your target audience and attracting them to buy your products and become long-life clients of yours.

The first step you should take before assembling a lead generation strategy is to identify your perfect customer. Create an image of your lead:

  • How old are they?
  • Where do they live?
  • Which gender are they?
  • What is their level of education?
  • What are their interests?
  • What budget do they have?
  • What challenges do they face?

The answers to these questions will be the base for your strategy, so you can choose the right approach to attract your leads. To easily collect this data you can utilize WordPress quiz plugins or quiz makers and engage your audience and gather valuable insights effectively.

Lead Generation Strategies to Increase Your Sales

1. Tell Your Story

Many companies frequently ignore brand storytelling because they do not realize it is one of the lead generation strategies. Share the story behind your brand: such an approach will increase your brand’s trustworthiness and bring your story closer to the audience.

Telling story - one of the leading generation strategies

Tell about the beginnings of your company, the cradle where the idea was born, describe the concept, your values, and your customers will instantly feel like a part of this long story. In such a way, your brand will seem more human, closer to the audience, which is always alluring.

Remember that quality brand storytelling differs drastically from presenting just dull facts and statistics. It requires engaging content and a captivating style.

2. Create Valuable Content

Even if you are only a merchant, content is a substantial part of your projects, and without it, most of your attempts will not work. Consuming engaging content, your readers will more likely become your customers.

Besides blog articles and product descriptions, you can offer additional sources of information to your audience: eBooks, infographics, PowerPoint slides, videos, memes, etc. The variety of content will build your authority and expertise in the eyes of your clients. You can leverage AI tools like slideshow maker and meme creator to create your content.

In the case of eCommerce, people do judge a book by its cover. So you should take into account not only the information you offer but also the visual aspect of it. Take care of the quality of your videos and pictures, make texts readable, placing and structuring the content on the page wisely. Remember, most people perceive information visually. Therefore, when positioning your product or brand, it is extremely important to use perfect images that show the best side. All well-known companies use austors retuching services, you should also pay special attention to photo processing.

3. Build Trust

There are some small points about eCommerce that are vital for lead generation but can easily become barriers for that if you ignore them. To make your business trustful, you will need to include some vital details to your site:

  • Comprehensive item descriptions: people will not want to buy your products if they do not have enough information about them;
  • Shipping conditions: write an informative Q&A about shipping, including time, locations, and pricing. The fewer questions people have after reading this page, the more confidence they will have to become your customer;
  • Contact details: even if there is any uncertainty left, your clients need to have a chance to contact you. As well as get quick and helpful feedback.

These essential points will make your brand reliable and trustworthy. Convince your customers of the deal safety, and they will choose you.

4. Optimize Your Content

Increasing sales volume means communicating with partners, customers, working on improving product quality, and taking care of your website. Another part of this complex process is making your brand visible, which always leads to interacting with search engines. This may include:

  • keyword research and targeting;
  • backlinks with anchors;
  • meta descriptions and tags;
  • right URLs and more.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool to drive fresh traffic to your website by reaching higher rankings in queries. There are hundreds of various SEO effective tactics and important rules you can apply to anything you post on the website. Also, you can reach out to SEO specialists to ensure instant results.

The key to the right search engine optimization is creating content and designing the website for customers, not for machines. That is why you should not overuse keywords or oversaturate the text with unnatural backlinks. SEO is all about understanding what your readers need and look for.

5. Use Cookies Efficiently

Your visitors’ browsing data can turn into a tool for retargeting them on social media. Then, your ads will appear the next time they will be scrolling on Instagram or Facebook. This will remind them of your website and encourage them to visit it again.

Using cookies - one of the lead generation strategies in 2021

Browser cookies do not work with all visitors, as some of them may block them. However, it is still a powerful lead generation tool, and you should consider trying it out. Only remember to act in compliance with international regulations by providing a cookie consent banner, cookie policy and privacy policy

6. Offer a Good Deal

There are always numerous trends in eCommerce that work best in their time but then just fade out. To generate more leads, you have not to follow all the trends: free things always enjoy great success.

eCommerce has a broader range of tools to make offers than traditional trade. Here are the most commonly used:

  • Classical offers: free shipping, $X-off coupons, percentage discounts, discounts for subscriptions, or the next purchase. Old but gold.
  • Fascinate new clients: offer a discount or free shipping for the first purchase. It is quite tempting and will encourage newcomers to try out your products.
  • Broaden your audience: use social media to conduct contests and giveaways. The conditions may include sharing info about your store, and it will bring your more potential customers.

It’s a kind of the best tool set that can be used for any existing eCommerce business. Each of the mentioned methods has a certain effect and impact and thus is almost multipurpose.

As you can see, the diversity of special proposals has an abundance of possible benefits. So do not be greedy, and it will pay off in full. You can combine them and apply for any audience, for example declare that every “old” user will become the “newbie” on the Xmas Eve and therefore have the new clients’ privileges.

7. Be Active on Social Media

Nowadays, social media is not only about communication and sharing. It is about platforms for your business, too. When used in the right way, it can become one of the most powerful lead generation strategies to find and engage your target audience.

As with any effective way tool, you should know how to use it correctly to gain all the advantages. There is a couple of common rules:

  • Offer quality content. Individual style and color palette, quality images, informative posts, memes, etc. – there are several opportunities to engage the public and make them follow you.
  • Be consistent. Become an active social media user and post regularly.
  • Hold giveaways. Social media is highly convenient for that.
  • Be responsive. Respond to comments and messages, communicate with your audience and consult them, if needed.

These are the main tips that you can use to find your leads at this huge potential customer base.

8. Have a Convenient & Aesthetic Design

We talk much about content but do not forget about your website’s design. It is the face of your site and perhaps your brand, so make sure to make the most out of this lead generation aspect.

There are a lot of nuances about web design, but some of them are the most basic:

  • high-resolution photos and quality videos;
  • simple and clear navigation;
  • convenient filters;
  • stick to your style and aesthetic;
  • multiple communication options.

Your website will be less attractive for the viewers without any of these points and will bring to nothing all your previous efforts. So do not ignore this factor and make scrolling your website joyful and effective.

9. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Most of us use smartphones at least as often as desktop computers. So, adapting your website for mobile devices has become not a choice but a necessity. If your site does not look as good on a smaller screen, it will spoil the impression of the brand on the whole.

Friendly-mobile websites - one of the leading generation strategies

A convenient mobile website version means it is fast and simple to use. Do not force your clients to zoom texts and images, as well as get lost in tons of filtering options.

Creating a quality mobile version may take time and effort, but you will avoid common barriers to increase your sales once you have done this.

Wrapping Up

The process of growing your business and increasing sales is complex and often intricate. Especially with the invention of new tools and techniques used for lead generation and sales like lead generation chatbots, smart lead capture pop-ups, and intuitive forms, keeping your business up-to-date with trending lead generation strategies has become even more vital. But if you are reading this, this means you have something valuable to offer to people, and we are hoping to have helped you in this journey.

These lead generation strategies are proven by thousands of companies to become a must-use for your campaign. So do not hesitate to try them out and mix several of them, using differing tactics at the same time. This will help your brand become well-known and prosper.


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