When it comes to persuading online customers and enhancing the products’ sales, you should consider using video to improve the visual appeal and aesthetics of stores. Hence, you may wonder how to embed a YouTube video in Shopify store.

In this article, we – LitExtension will provide three methods to embed a YouTube video in Shopify through the highlights section:

Go straight to the full instructions with us!

Why Embed a YouTube Video in Shopify?

YouTube is an excellent platform for introducing your goods or company to the world. You can use it to demonstrate how your items are used or provide helpful information about your store.

And here are 5 advantages:

#1. Increase customer engagement

You can attract customers and gain their engagement by uploading in your Shopify store various video types, such as product launches, customer reviews, product demos, or product comparison videos.

#2. Employ user-generated content

Thousands of other merchants are selling the same things as you at any given time. In a crowded field, the best tactic to stand out is to use videos with user-generated content.

User-generated content is a beautiful resource for persuading prospective customers to become loyal. 

#3. Decrease bounce rates

A high bounce rate suggests that your website lacks an engaging element and should be enhanced. When you insert a YouTube clip in Shopify, your visitors may stay on the website longer, boosting their dwell time.

Embed a Youtube video in Shopify to provide product details
Embed a Youtube video in Shopify to provide product details

#4. Improve conversion rates

The average order value (AOV) can be increased by more clearly presenting the benefits of your product. So adding video to your Shopify store increases the conversion rate of your product pages.

#5. Boost search engine optimization (SEO)

Dwell time is an essential indicator for indicating to search engines which pages are most suited to specific search queries. If customers spend a long time on your product page or blog entries and don’t leave, that page’s ranking may improve.

If you add YouTube video to Shopify with good SEO, your videos can appear at the top of search results. Your devoted customers can also share your video to help spread the word.

Embed a YouTube Video in Shopify in HTML

Embedding YouTube video in HTML on Shopify is easy and quick if you have a YouTube channel.

If not, we recommend that you first create a YouTube channel. Then, when you publish your video to your YouTube channel, here’s how to receive HTML embed YouTube video.

How to get embed code from YouTube

Follow our instructions to get HTML embed YouTube videos.

  • Step 1: Get video URL.

To begin, open the YouTube video you want to add YouTube video to Shopify. Under the video, click the Share button.

Click Share button in YouTube video
Click Share button in YouTube video

When the Share box appears, you click on the blue button Copy to save the video URL.

Copy the URL link of YouTube video
Copy the URL link of YouTube video
  • Step 2: Get embed snippet code.

Then, click Embed to see the embed code for that video.

Click to show embed youtube video in html
Click to show embed youtube video in html
  • Step 3: Copy the snippet.

After clicking the Embed icon, the page displays the code snippet; click Copy.

Copy the video embed snippet code
Copy the video embed snippet code

Now that you have the snippet code, you can embed a YouTube video in Shopify on the homepage, product pages, and collection pages… if you want.

Let’s discover how to embed a YouTube video in Shopify site, including Shopify product page and homepage.

#Option 1: Add YouTube video to Shopify product gallery

How to add mp4 video to Shopify, follow our steps:

  • Step 1: Go to Shopify Dashboard > Products.

You log in to your Shopify store and access Pages from the dashboard admin. Then click the page where you want to add your YouTube video.

Go to pages where you want to add video
Go to pages where you want to add video
  • Step 2: Go to media section > add from URL.

Scroll down the page, in the media section, choose Add from the URL.

Click to Add from URL
Click to Add from URL
  • Step 3: Paste URL link.

Copy and paste the URL link from the YouTube channel to thix box.

Add file from URL
Add file from URL
  • Step 4: Change Alt text.

You can see the video appear in the media box. Tap on it and change the Alt text.

Change the Alt text when clicking the video in media section
Change the Alt text when clicking the video in media section

In the Product page, you have another place to add YouTube video to Shopify which is description box. Let’s figure it out in the next part.

#Option 2: Embed a YouTube video in Shopify product description

Let’s take a look at how to embed a YouTube video in Shopify item description.

  • Step 1: Log into Shopify admin & choose Page.

In the dashboard admin, navigate to Pages and choose the page you want to add videos.

  • Step 2: Click “Insert video” icon.

In the production box, click on Insert video icon.

Click the insert video icon
Click the insert video icon
  • Step 3: Add embed youtube video HTML.

Copy and paste the embed YouTube code snippet into the box. Then click Insert video.

How to embed a video html
How to embed a video html
  • Step 4: Save.

Finally, click Save and make sure you check the preview on the live page.

How to embed a YouTube video in Shopify item description
How to embed a YouTube video in Shopify item description

You now understand how to embed a YouTube video into Shopify product pages. How about the homepage? Let’s discover it!

#Option 3: Embed a YouTube video in Shopify’s homepage

A YouTube video can be embedded on the Shopify homepage. Here are some general guidelines.

  • Step 1: Go to Online Store > Themes.

Log in to your Shopify account and navigate to Themes from Online Store.

  • Step 2: Click Customize.

Then, choose the Customize button on the current themes. In this example, we use the Dawn theme in the image below.

Choose customize Dawn theme
Choose customize Dawn theme
  • Step 3: Add Video element section.

In the theme editor, you click on the Add section, find Video, then choose it.

Click Video in Add Section
Click Video in Add Section
  • Step 4: Input video URL.

In the Video tab, there are two options you can choose from:

    • Click Select video > Upload video from your computer.
    • Change the URL link you copied from the YouTube channel.
Input the video URL on the homepage
Input the video URL on the homepage
  • Step 5: Save the page.

Last, add value for the heading, video alt text, et cetera, and save the changes.

Learn more about the Shopify Review: Shopify The Crown Jewel of The eCommerce World now!

Insert a YouTube Video Using Metafield

Metafield is a sophisticated method of embedding YouTube video in html. We’ll show you how to do that in this section.

  • Step 1: Define metafields.

First, go to Settings > Custom Data > Products.

Go to Custom Data and choose Products
Go to Custom Data and choose Products

Then choose “Add Definition”.

Add definition in metafield
Add definition in metafield

Next, add the value in the boxes.

    • Name: Video or whatever you want.
    • The namespace and key: It should follow format namespace.key (For example: custom.video)
    • Choose “Select type” and hit “multi-line text” and click Save.
Add the values in metafield
Add the values in metafield
  • Step 2: Fill out metafields.

The next step is filling out meta fields on the product page.

    • Go to any product page, scroll down to the bottom, and see the metafield box.
Find the metafields in product page
Find the metafields in product page
    • Click Video metafield and add your YouTube  embed code and Save.
Add embed snippet video Shopify
Add embed snippet video Shopify
  • Step 3: Output metafields in theme editor.

The next step is to use the theme editor to output metafields.

    • Go to Online Store > Themes > Customize current theme.
    • Choose Product tab on the top of the page. Next, under Product. Information click Add Block and click Custom Liquid.
    • Now you need the namespace and key from when you defined the metafield.

For example: In step 1, we use an example namespace, and the key is ‘custom.video‘. In that case, here is the code we will use to output the Metafield:

{{ product.metafields.custom.video.value }}

After all, your video should now appear on the page.

Embedding YouTube video in html by metafield
Embedding YouTube video in html by metafield

Discover more information about How to Custom Shopify Themes – A Complete Guide for Beginner here!

How to Embed a YouTube Video in Shopify Using Liquid

The final technique for embedding YouTube video in HTML into Shopify is to use liquid in Code Editor, which is a more complicated method for individuals with minimal coding expertise.

  • Step 1: Go to Online Store > Themes > Choose Edit code
Choose Edit code for current theme
Choose Edit code for current theme
  • Step 2: Click theme.liquid and add the code

Click theme.liquid then on the right screen, scroll down to the <body> tag and add the following code where you want the video to appear:


{{ YouTube Video_ID | iframe }}


Replace [Video_ID] with the real ID of the video on YouTube you desire to embed.

For example: https://youtu.be/XXXXXXXXXX so we get {{ hdDsWCmCPEE | iframe }}

  • Step 3: Save and recheck in front page.
How to embed a youtube video in Shopify using liquid
How to embed a youtube video in Shopify using liquid

So, from simple to complicated, here are three ways to embed a YouTube video in Shopify. Try it yourself.

Want to migrate to Shopify?

If you are intending to migrate to Shopify, LitExtension offers a great migration service that helps you transfer your data from the current eCommerce platform to a new one accurately, painlessly with utmost security.

Shopify Insert Video – FAQs

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Final Thoughts

It’s now the best time to use video to engage customers, lower abandonment rates, and enhance conversions and revenue. We sincerely hope that after following the guide above, you are now able to embed a YouTube video in Shopify on any page with ease.

LitExtension, the #1 Shopping Cart Migration Expert will assist you in finding a reasonable solution for your Shopify store. For more interesting ideas, read more blogs on the LitExtension blog and interact with our eCommerce community.


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