This month, LitExtension and PageFly, are excited to bring you a webinar on “Essentials For High-converting BFCM Landing Page” to help you maximize your profit during this season. Here comes the recap for you to get a broad picture of what we were sharing!

Let’s begin!

Rewatch our latest webinar on Essentials For High-converting BFCM Langding Page now!

What is a landing page?

Before we dive deeper into the webinar, let me first give you a brief overview of a landing page and its functions.

A landing page, also known as a “lead capture page” or a “destination page”, is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement. In this sense, a landing page could be almost anything: your home page, a blog post, a product page,…

Here is how a landing page is different from other pages on your website:

  • It has a form that permits you to receive a guest’s data in return for an ideal offer.
  • The sole motivation behind the landing page is to convert visitors into leads (a home page with a form on it doesn’t consider a landing page since it fills different needs too).

BFCM Landing Page Checklist


  • Heading: Heading is the first thing visitors would see when they enter your store. So, make sure that it’s catchy to grab their attention. Yet, it ought to be descriptive to give visitors a clear idea of what you want to deliver. The recommended word limit is around 10-20 words for maximum impact.


  • Keywords: Pay attention to how you play your keywords in headings and make sure that these words correctly match your content.
  • Alt text, meta title and description: Be sure that you also take care of all these factors since they will directly affect your store’s discoverability.

Marketing goals

  • Conversion goal:  This is the main goal for your landing page. Thus, you should focus all your efforts on it.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): Unlike the home page, where you can have multiple CTA, you can only focus on one CTA that you wish the customer to take on the landing page. Basically, you would want to control your customer’s journey through this CTA.


  • Brand color, typography: Your store presence is what evokes customer’s interest. Thus, you should pay attention to the display of your site.
  • Visual consistency: A clean, visually consistent site gives users feelings of comfort, control, and familiarity, whether consciously or not.

User Experience

  • Page speed, mobile-friendly: Page speed is known to be the ranking factor in the search engine result page. The faster your loading speed is, the higher the conversion rate you receive. Also, make sure that your store is mobile-friendly as the majority of web traffic is generated via mobile phone.
  • Live chat support: This function is a connection between you and your customer. Ideally, you would want to be available 24/7 for your customer.


  • Trust badge, testimonial: Displaying trust badges or testimonials on your website would help you build trust among viewers.
  • Refund and shipping policies: Having clear refund and shipping policies will create a secure feeling for your customers. These policies act as a confirmation of your products’ quality.

Store reviews

In this month’s webinar, we were honored to feature two Shopify stores: Snugglebabies, a handcrafted essential for babies & pets store; and Smart Tech, an online store supplying various products, from clothing to tech devices.

We would like to thank the store owners of these two shops for allowing us to use their stores as examples and for actively participating in the webinar.

We hope that this store review section not only brings value to our store owners but also merchants out there. If you miss the review or want to rewatch it, I have attached the video below. Check it out!


Q: Can you recommend some effective CTA?

A: On the landing page, you should have only one single conversion goal and we can build CTA around that marketing goal. To make the CTA more effective, you can try to start your CTA with a verb, instead of a noun or an adjective. It needs to focus more on the value to foster the curiosity of your customer. For example, instead of “Try Now’, you can use “Try Now For Free’. Another example can be replacing the basic CTA “Get Code” with “Send me the 20% off discount”. This will encourage the customer to take action to your CTA. Also, please make sure that all CTA buttons across the website match your brand color. Last but not least, check your CTA on mobile devices for its responsiveness.

Q: Is it really a must to have only one conversion goal on my landing page?

A: Yes! The main purpose of the landing page is to attract and engage the target audience, which eventually leads to conversions. Noted that a landing page is used for a specific marketing campaign; thus, it’s important to stick to one single conversion goal. Providing more than one action can confuse the visitors and this can harm your conversion rate. This is also the reason why we don’t suggest you use the home page as your landing page. While there are multiple CTA on your home page, you can aim for one action on the landing page only

Q: The products that I am selling are already full of different colors. Then which theme color should I choose for my landing page to balance things out?

A: It’s unavoidable to have products in a full range of colors and this is totally normal. Your store theme should not be decided based on your product’s color but your brand color. Before choosing a theme, you should answer the question: “What kind of feeling do you want to bring your customers?”. Things should be balanced out through the layout that you choose in your theme or in the page builder that you are using for your landing page. All in all, the theme really depends on your campaign strategies and brand color.

Q: How can I take control of my landing page design since I use the default theme page?

A: As you might have known, using the default theme has quite a lot of limitations. If you want to create a landing page with the desired layout, it’s advisable that you have a developer to help you along the process. You can also use page builder apps like PageFly, a drop and drag page builder with no coding needed.

Final words

I’ve just shown you the final checklist for your BFCM landing page. I hope you find these tips and tricks helpful and we can’t wait to see how you implement them in your marketing plan. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us or join our Facebook Comunity for further support.

Here’s a recording of the webinar live stream! Don’t forget to visit LitExtension Youtube channel for other webinars and more interesting eCommerce-related videos!


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