Want your site content to be more useful to visitors? Don’t forget to display a relevant PDF document on your Wix site! Let LitExtension, #1 Shopping Cart Migration Expert, help you with detailed instructions on how to add a PDF to Wix.

In this article, you can learn:

Let’s dive into our step-by-step instructions on how to add a PDF to Wix site to add any PDF files to your Wix site easily.

Want to Migrate to WIX?

If you are intending to migrate to WIX, LitExtension offers a great migration service that helps you transfer your data from the current eCommerce platform to a new one accurately, painlessly with utmost security.

How To Add A PDF To Wix With A Document Button

Document buttons on Wix can work on different files, including PDF format. That’s why you can effectively learn how to add a downloadable PDF to Wix with a document button.

Step 1 – Open your site in Editor

Firstly, log in to your Wix Account to navigate your site to Wix Dashboard. Then, click Edit Site to open your Wix Editor to finish the first step.

Open your site in your Wix Editor
How to add a pdf to Wix – Open your site in your Wix Editor

Step 2 – Select a relevant button

To begin the second step, click Add Elements on Wix Editor’s left side to open Add Elements tab.

Click Add Elements to open Add Elements tab
Click Add Elements to open Add Elements tab

Then, click Button and hover over Document Buttons.

Click Button and select Document Buttons
Click Button and select Document Buttons

Finally, select the proper button for your PDF file to finish this step.

Step 3 – Select a PDF file to finish the process

Now, there will be a PDF button on your site. To begin this step, click PDF document button to show relevant options.

Next, click Change File to open Choose a Doc window.

Click Change File to open Choose a Doc window
Click Change File to open Choose a Doc window

After that, click Upload Media to select your PDF file from different sources of documents, such as your computer, URL, Google Drive, Facebook, and so on.

Select sources to upload your PDF file
Select sources to upload your PDF file

Finally, click your PDF file under Site Files before clicking Choose File button to end the process. You can also edit Actions, Tags, and File Info before adding your PDF file to a document button on your site.

Select your PDF file to customize its design
Select your PDF file to customize its design

With the 3 steps above, you can easily adopt how to add PDF to Wix to deliver valuable information to your visitors.

With a document button on your site, you can customize its design to satisfy your demand. If you want to do that, let’s follow the 4 steps below:

  • Step 1: In your Wix Editor, click the targeted document button.
  • Step 2: Click Settings icon to open Document Settings tab.
  • Step 3: Customize the button with Change File, Show/Hide Title, and What’s the title? (Optional).
  • Step 4: Click Exit on Document Settings tab to finish.

How To Add A PDF To Wix With An Element

If you want to link your PDF file with any element on your Wix site, it’s completely possible. To help you attain that, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to add a PDF to Wix.

Step 1 – Select an element

To edit anything with a Wix element, you first need to open your site in Wix Editor.

Then, click the targeted element to show relevant options on your screen.

Click the targeted element in your Wix Editor
Click the targeted element in your Wix Editor

Finally, click Link icon to navigate to a small tab to end this step.

Click Link icon to open a new window to select your document
Click Link icon to open a new window to select your document

Step 2 – Select a PDF file to upload

In “What do you want to link to?” tab, click Document on the left bar. Then, click Choose File button in the box to open Choose a Doc.

Select Document button on the left bar
Select Document button on the left bar

Next, click Upload Media, then select your PDF file.

Select Upload Media to select your PDF file
Select Upload Media to select your PDF file

Step 3 – Confirm the process

In Site Files, select your PDF file uploaded to customize your file’s display.

Select your PDF uploaded in Site Files
Select your PDF uploaded in Site Files

Then, select 3 options (Actions, Tags, and File Info) in the right bar to modify relevant information.

Customize your PDF file in Choose a Doc
Customize your PDF file in Choose a Doc

Next, click Add to Page button to upload your PDF file to “What do you want to link to?” tab.

Finally, click Done button to confirm your adding process.

Click Done to confirm your adding process
Click Done to confirm your adding process

This way supports your PDF adding process with a Wix element available, navigating your visitors to useful information resources naturally.

How To Add A PDF To Wix With A PDF File Viewer App

A PDF Viewer app allows you to share and upload any PDF documents to your Wix site with an impressive display. To learn how to add a PDF document to Wix with this app, you can follow our detailed guide of 4 steps below:

Step 1 – Add PDF File Viewer app to your site

In your Wix Editor, click Add Elements to open Search box.

Click Add Elements to find the search box
Click Add Elements to find the search box

Then, type “PDF viewer” in Search box and select PDF File Viewer app from the drop-down tab.

Type PDF Viewer in the search box
Type PDF Viewer in the search box

Finally, click the Add to Site to finish this step.

Step 2 – Upload a PDF file to the app

To begin the second step, click PDF Viewer in your Wix Editor.

PDF Viewer display on Wix Editor
PDF Viewer display on Wix Editor

Then, click Settings to open PDF Viewer tab.

Click Settings on PDF Viewer display to navigate PDF Viewer tab
Click Settings on PDF Viewer display to navigate PDF Viewer tab

Next, click Upload PDF to open Choose a Doc.

Click Upload PDF in PDF Viewer tab
Click Upload PDF in PDF Viewer tab

In Choose a Doc, click Upload Media to select your PDF file before clicking Add to Page button.

Click Upload Media to select a PDF file to add your site
Click Upload Media to select a PDF file to add your site

Step 3 – Customize the app’s display

In your Wix Editor, click PDF Viewer uploaded and select Settings to open PDF Viewer tab.

Click Settings to open PDF Viewer tab
Click Settings to open PDF Viewer tab

Then, click Layouts button to open Layouts Options box.

Click Layouts button to open Layouts Options
Click Layouts button to open Layouts Options

Next, you have 2 options to set a layout for your PDF file, including:

  • Option #1: If you want to display your PDF in a full page, click Full Page, then select the page number to display first in “Which page is displayed first?”.
Select Full Page layout for PDF Viewer
Select Full Page layout for PDF Viewer
  • Option #2: If you want to display your PDF as a thumbnail, click Thumbnail, and PDF Viewer will be resized under a small button on your site.
Select Thumbnail layout for PDF Viewer
Select Thumbnail layout for PDF Viewer

Finally, click Display button to customize PDF Viewer’s display. To match the layout’s structure, you have different options:

  • Full Page: Click one of the 3 options, including Full Viewer, Mini Viewer, and One Page, to optimize your PDF file.
Modify Display Options for Full Page
Modify Display Options for Full Page
  • Thumbnail: You have 6 options to customize your PDF Viewer display, including Change icon; Thumbnail icon size; Show file title; File title; Title font and color; Title color on hover. Click each option to modify it to match your demand.
Modify Display Options for Thumbnail
Modify Display Options for Thumbnail

Step 4 – Customize the app’s settings

In PDF Viewer tab, click Settings button to open Settings box on the right side.

Click Settings button to open Settings box
Click Settings button to open Settings box

Next, you have various options to modify, depending on the PDF’s layout and display. Including:

#1. Full Page

For Full Viewer, you can customize for downloading, linking, and printing through the 3 options below:

  • Visitors can download this file
  • Visitors can print this file
  • Links in this file are clickable
Modify Settings for Full Viewer
Modify Settings for Full Viewer

For Mini Viewer and One Page, you can only customize for linking with “Links to this file are clickable”.

Modify Settings for Mini Viewer and One Page
Modify Settings for Mini Viewer and One Page

#2. Thumbnail

For Thumbnail layout, you can also customize Settings for your PDF file for linking, downloading, and printing with similar options to Full Viewer.

Modify Settings for Thumbnail layout
Modify Settings for Thumbnail layout

Finally, click Exit on the top bar of PDF Viewer tab, then click Save to finish the process.

Click Exit to finish your customization on PDF Viewer
Click Exit to finish your customization on PDF Viewer

With the 4 steps above, you can make any PDF file sharable with your visitors through a direct link, saving time to download or open your PDF file in a new tab.

However, it can make your file vulnerable to privacy. That’s really dangerous!

Why Should You Add A PDF To Wix?

From our experience, you can benefit greatly from displaying PDF files on your site. If so, what can explain that? Let’s check our evaluations about that below:

#1. Promote user experience

Wix allows your site’s visitors to download any files to serve their search demands easily. They can be in the format of reports, manuals, documents, or even brochures. This saves your visitors from finding relevant information, targeting to enhance their overall experience.

#2. Increase site credibility

We consider that you should strengthen your brand’s and site’s credibility with PDF files. You can prepare reliable sources of information and then deliver them to your site under PDFs. Once your visitors approach valuable knowledge, they tend to increase their trust in that site. It also means that you have enhanced your site’s credibility successfully.

#3. Organize content structure visually

We highly recommend you design specific pages and sections to store all downloadable resources under PDF files. It’s one of the best ways to make your content structure more professional and visual to the public’s eyes. Don’t forget to create smart connections between PDF files and Wix buttons to navigate your visitors to the right information.

#4. Enhance marketing efficiency

All downloadable resources, including whitepapers, PDFs, e-books, or documents, can be considered valuable marketing tools in Wix. Whenever downloading files, your site can encourage visitors to provide their contact information to attain that successfully. This allows you to collect and store a mailing list to adopt future marketing plans.

Whether you add a PDF file to Wix in any way, we think that it’s great to optimize your site in the public’s view. Let’s try how to add a PDF to a Wix page to make your site’s presence more impressive.

Which Other Options To Display Your Documents To Wix?

Besides how to add a PDF to Wix, we’ll suggest 2 other options for adding documents on Wix.

#1. Display Google Drive documents on your site

You can easily display documents on your Wix site with Google Drive without requiring your visitors to download any hard files.

  • Step 1: In your Wix Editor, click Add Elements
  • Step 2: Type “Google Drive” in the search box, and click Google Drive in the drop-down
  • Step 3: Click Add to Site, then click OK.
  • Step 4: Edit Google Drive app’s Settings and customize its design.
  • Step 5: Transfer to Public status for documents.

#2. Create a sharing library

A sharing library on Wix allows you to share ideas and work on different projects. It is highly evaluated for its high-security capabilities for all users and organizations.

  • Step 1: In your Wix Editor, click Add Elements
  • Step 2: Type “Wix File Share” in Search box, and click Wix File Share in the drop-down
  • Step 3: Click Add to Site, then click OK.
  • Step 4: Edit Wix File Share’s Settings and personalize its design.

How To Add A PDF To Wix – FAQs

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Final Words

Our blog has introduced how to add a PDF to Wix in 3 common ways, including using a document button, a Wix element, and a PDF app. Besides PDF files, you can try how to display your documents on Google Drive and the Wix File Share app.

LitExtension, #1 Shopping Cart Migration Expert, hopes you adopt how to add PDF Wix successfully. Check out our LitExtension Blog or join our Facebook Community Group for more useful tips.


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