Do you want to add Google Analytics to Wix to track website traffic and other crucial metrics? Google Analytics Wix allows you to see analytics for any Wix websites, take control of your website and offer viable solutions to improve your traffic. In this article, we will walk you through how to add Google Analytics to Wix with a step-by-step guide. Our tutorial will cover the following:

Let’s get started!

What To Know Before Connecting Google Analytics To Wix?

To connect Google Analytics to Wix, here are a couple of things you should keep in mind first:

  • You need a Wix Premium website and an associated domain to use Google Analytics, as Google Analytics does not work with the free Wix version.
  • If there is an “agree to use cookies” banner on your website, then Google Analytics will only start working after the visitor consents that they allow the tool to use the relevant cookies.

Additionally, many people wonder about Wix Analytics vs Google Analytics, which one should we choose? From our viewpoint, you can’t compare Google Analytics to Wix Analytics as Wix eCommerce Analytics focus mainly on sales metrics, while Google Analytics concentrates on traffic and customer behaviors, each playing a crucial role in helping you understand your customer better.

How to Add Google Analytics to Wix in 4 Steps?

Based on our experience, you will better understand Wix Google Analytics and learn how to add Google Analytics to Wix proficiently. Let’s follow our steps:

Step 1: Create a Google Analytics account

First, to create our Google Analytics Account, visit Google Analytics website, then click on the “Start measuring” button to move forward.

Google Analytics on Wix
Visit Google Analytics website and click “Start measuring” button to move forward.

Next, you will need to fill in some information. Firstly, enter your account name in the “Account name” field. As I see, this will be the name of your business.

how to add google analytics to wix
Enter your account name

After filling in your account name, scroll down to choose what data you want to share with Google, and then click on the “Next” button:

connect Google Analytics to Wix
Choose the type of data you want to share with Google, then click “Next”

You will then be redirected to the “Property details” section. Here, you’ll enter the property name – typically your site’s name, time zone, and local currency. Then click the “Next” button to continue:

adding Google Analytics to Wix
The property name generally is your site’s name

Next, you will choose your Industry category and Business size:

Google Analytics for Wix
Choose your Industry category and Business size

The next step is to choose your business objectives:

connecting Google Analytics to Wix
Choose your business objectives here

After accepting some terms, you will come to the Data collection section. Please choose Website to finish creating your Google Analytics account!

 connecting Google Analytics to Wix
Let’s choose Website

Finally, set up the data flow for your website and you’re done. As we see, the stream name is usually your business name:

Google Analytics and Wix
Set up the data stream for your website

Step 2: Get Google Analytics 4 Property ID

It is our experience that to get your Google Analytics 4 property ID, from your Google Analytics dashboard, choose “Admin” in the bottom left corner:

How to add Google Analytics to Wix
Choose “Admin” in the bottom left corner

Next, click on Create Property button:

 How to add Google Analytics to Wix
Click on Create Property button

Then, fill in the information about your business to set up the Property. This section is quite similar to the information provided when setting up a Google Analytics account:

how to add google analytics to wix
This section is quite similar to a section on creating Google Analytics account

After filling in the information, go to the Start data collection section, select Web:

how to add google analytics to wix
Select Web in this section

Fill in information about your website, then click on Create Stream button to move forward:

how to set up Google Analytics on Wix
Click on Create Stream button

After that, you will be provided your Measurement ID; copy this. This is your Google Analytics 4 property ID.

How to set up Google Analytics on Wix
Copy your Measurement ID

Step 3: Add Google Analytics to your Wix site

How to add Google Analytics to Wix site? As we see, for adding Google Analytics to Wix, first, from your Wix Dashboard, choose Marketing & SEO section, then click on Marketing Integration and click on Connect button at the Google Analytics:

How to add Google Analytics to Wix
Wix Dashboard > Marketing & SEO > Marketing Integration > Connect

Step 4: Test and confirm

After connecting Google Analytics to Wix, how to confirm the connection of Google Analytics with Wix? Let us show you:

First, open your Wix website. In another tab, go to Google Analytics and log into your account.

Second, choose Report from your Google Analytics dashboard, then click on Real time.

Since you are accessing your site in a different tab, the number “1” will appear below “Users in the last 30 minutes”.

If you succeeded in adding Google Analytics to Wix, Google Analytics would record the first 24 hours of traffic in the Google Analytics dashboard. If your site still needs to show traffic after 24 hours, repeat the steps in this article to ensure you’ve successfully added Google Analytics for Wix.

Adding Google Analytics to Wix
Test and confirm adding Google Analytics to Wix

Are you having another website and want to add Google Analytics? Let’s check How to add Google Analytics to a website to get information.

How to Add Google Analytics to Wix – FAQs 

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Final thoughts

Finally, you can track your Wix website’s traffic using Google Analytics. Hopefully, our article provides easy-to-understand steps on how to Google Analytics to Wix efficiently and quickly. Follow LitExtension’s blog and join our Facebook Community to get more updated information about Wix.


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