How to improve conversion rates? What’s the tactics?

The conversion rate in marketing refers to the percentage of visitors who took a notable or desired action while visiting your store.

Simply put, the more customers you have, the greater will be your store’s conversion rate. When you start an online store, either on your own website or on different eCommerce marketing platforms, you become a fully established online seller.

It doesn’t matter whether you run Amazon wholesale business, Shopify, or Etsy dropshipping. An online business normally has a very straightforward aim, i.e, to increase sales conversion.

As a store owner, you must understand that satisfying a visitor is the most difficult thing to do. Most of the time, a store faces a low conversion rate due to the following reasons:

  • A poor first impression
  • Unimpressive photos
  • Too expensive or too cheap products
  • Poor choice of keywords
  • Poor site optimization
  • Dull content
  • Choosing products that typically have a low selling rate
  • Unclear call to action
  • Difficulty using website
  • Technical site errors such as slow loading
  • No competitor to follow
  • Delivery charges
  • Poor marketing plan
  • No social media presence
  • Poor promotions
  • Negative reviews
  • Scamming attempts that lead to customer’s distrust
  • Poor quality of products
  • Lack of compelling descriptions

To increase your store’s sales conversion rate, you need to begin with a diagnosis. There are thousands of sellers like you, and it is not a hidden truth that every other eCommerce store owner competes with you in this race.

Everyone in this race is doing the best they can to optimize their businesses and rule the online market. In order to be a part of this race and to achieve success, you must think minutely and carefully.

How to Improve Conversion Rates In Your Online Store

Consider it a chess game, if you don’t have a strategy or you don’t know which piece should go next, you will lose within minutes. To begin with, firstly, sit down and take a piece of paper. Now start writing down your current conversion rate and progressing trends.

Next, do an analysis and see where the problem is. Once you have a clear head and you know what your next step should be, BINGO!

Let’s discuss some simple steps to improve your online store’s conversion rate.

#1 Content is the King

How to Improve Conversion Rates In Your Online Store
Source: Unsplash

When you start a website, you need to add some content such as an about us page, headlines, and post descriptions. Though it seems like content can be ignored, there are two major aspects of marketing associated with it.

First of all, Google crawlers crawl your website content, and based on the quality of it, they rank your website on the Google search index.

However, to make things easier for these crawlers is to perform an on-page SEO on your website so that the crawlers can shift from one page to another easily. The more optimized your content is, the higher it will rank and the more traffic you will get.

Secondly, when a visitor visits your online store, he needs to see something attractive. For that purpose, a compelling headline or product description can make him buy your products. Here’s an example:

Consider a situation where a lot of your competitors are selling protein powder. But you find out that the public is still unsatisfied and the results are not as expected. You realize that protein powders can only show fast results if the quality is good and original.

You write an ad or a product description like this:

“A bodybuilder like you would definitely not want to let his sweat and hard work go wasted just because of low-quality supplements. Did you know that research says that 95% of the protein powder that you use is either impure or contains other harmful compounds?

At (Shop’s name), we promise a no compromise on quality policy with each of our products being 100% pure with no added impurities. Try protein powder today and see the results within days.”

#2 Improve Social Media Presence

Improve Social Media Presence
Source: Unsplash

Social media has a lot of users. According to Smartinsights, 58.4% of the world’s population uses social media.

So it is apparent that you can get a load of buyers just by enhancing and optimizing your social media pages. When someone creates a social media account, the algorithm monitors his activities and observes his interests.

Keep updated with the latest trends

As a result, he sees sponsored or suggested ads according to his liking. In other words, social media does half of your marketing all by itself. What you have to do is to keep yourself updated with the latest trends, set up a profile, and make a post that is about the latest trend.

For example, memes. Meme marketing has been an excellent way for sellers to engage with buyers. People prefer entertainment, and that is what you need to give them. After making a post, publish it on your page and make sure it is a combination of the latest trend with the product that you wish to sell.

Finally, you can boost your post for a specific amount and to a specific community. If people find your post engaging, your social media page will automatically start to grow.

Set up an easy checkout procedure

The rule is to give as much ease to the buyer as possible. For that purpose, sellers usually take orders via inbox. However, you must keep your response rate 100% and your response time no longer than 1 hour. Answer all customer queries and always deal with angry buyers politely.

With consistent engagement and positive customer feedback, your social media page would automatically be promoted, and you can earn a fortune from there.

Add professional logos and pictures

Another important factor to keep in mind is to add professional logos and pictures since the first impression is the last impression, and you would not want a customer to leave just because he didn’t like the theme of your store.

Remember, it’s all business psychology. A progressive social media page would bring a lot of traffic to your website as well. If you put in your website URL before boosting a post, you can also bring in a lot of customers to your website directly.

#3 Give Discounts and Promos

Give Discounts and Promos
Source: Unsplash

Here’s a funny fact; you visit a store, and you see a pair of joggers for $30. So you go out and visit another shop that has another pair of joggers, but the sales sign says, “50% off – limited time only – Old price $55 – New price $27.5.

Now ask yourself, which one would you want to buy? Even though both joggers have the same quality, a little marketing trick makes you buy those joggers, even if you don’t need them. Your mind makes you believe that you won’t find such cheap joggers easily again, you may need them someday, and the quality is better, too, so you go in and purchase them.

When running a business, you must think like a buyer and mold your ways according to how the buyer would want to see. Whether they are custom T-shirts or hoodies, generate QR codes to give discounts and promo codes frequently on specific products, and let your visitors know.

According to Invesco, 64% of online buyers wait to purchase products till they are on a discount, while 59% of the people search the web for promo codes.

You can increase the price of a product by 20% and later add a 20% discount on it. Not only will your product sell faster, but you won’t even have to face a loss.

Before any festival, people tend to go shopping to buy new clothes and accessories. You can take advantage of their shopping needs by offering them something that they want but at a very affordable rate.

By doing so, your customers will be engaged with you and are most likely to become your permanent clients.

#4 Improve Mobile View of Your Online Store

Improve Mobile View of Your Online Store
Source: Unsplash

When setting up a website, make sure you carefully adjust the mobile view of your website since 63% of the users use mobiles to search Google for different products. As an online seller, your goal should be to make room for the greater population so people can find your store easily.

When you set up the mobile view, make sure it has a clear heading, and all the different categories of the products are visible. Other than that, the catalog should be easily accessible as well.

Next, the checkout procedure should be highly convenient, and by that, most sellers allow an easy checkout by clicking on the product, adding it to the cart, typing the address, and selecting the payment method before checking out.

Unnecessary details or ads should be avoided at all costs.

You can keep checking your website’s search console and analytics to detect any problems with slow loading since it not only delivers a bad impression but also hinders Google from ranking your site.

You should also delete the cache as well because it gives birth to several bugs and errors, which we do not want the customer to face.

✧ Want to arrange your store in a logical way? Try out Shopify collections, an amazing and completely FREE from Shopify.

#5 SEO

Source: Unsplash

If you started a website, we already discussed how the copy or content on your website works as the first step of SEO, but that’s not enough. Here’s when you need:

You can visit Google Keyword Planner to choose a keyword for your website, ensuring that it has a high search volume but low competition.

When you add the content to your website, link it with other pages as well so that you can strengthen your on-page SEO game and allow Google crawlers to index your entire website.

A competitor is also necessary because you follow what he does to achieve an equal amount of success without having to hustle much. Finally, keep adding backlinks to improve your site SEO and get ranked as soon as possible.

Almost 90% of the internet users find their relative site on the first page of Google, and hardly anyone visits the second page.

As an online store owner, you would look forward to seeing your website on the first page on Google since that is how you can get a huge amount of traffic and definitely a lot of customers.

Once your business is running, it’s always easy to maintain its progress by offering the best customer experience and keeping your site up-to-date.


It is important to understand that you should always be tracking your online store’s performance if you want to make more sales and grow your business effectively.

Tracking numbers will help you come up with ways to improve conversion rates and generate more profit with your online store.

Don’t forget to create content on a regular basis, improve your social media presence, give out discounts to your customers, optimize your website for mobile conversions, and work on SEO. These factors will definitely help you improve conversion rates and sell more.


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