
In the eCommerce world, data security is one of the top priorities of all owners. With all platforms, especially open-source platforms such as Magento, data security problems seem to be more important when users have to build up the whole thing on their own.

As a result, backing-up your data is the most effective solution that minimizes the consequences of data loss.

In this article, I would like to describe the process of doing Magento backup in the two versions: Magento 1 and Magento 2 via the Admin site. Let’s begin!

So, when do we have to create Magento backups?

  • On a regular basis. The Magento backup should be done regularly, based on the predetermined schedule and the scale of business. For example, medium-to-big Magento online stores are recommended to back up data for the business monthly or even weekly because they have a large amount of data. Meanwhile, small stores or beginners can do Magento backup with a more sparse frequency, such as quarterly backups.
  • Before installing extensions and updates. The Magento backup helps to save your data if new extensions cause some errors or missing your files.
  • Before upgrading to Magento 2 or migrating to another platform (i.e. Magento to Shopify).

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Magento backup guideline

Before we start, here are some points that need paying attention to:

  • Database backup files are compressed in the .gz format
  • System backup, database, and media backups use the .tgz format
  • Backups are stored in the var/backups directory and can be restored at any time by using the command lines.
  • Magento disables its backup function by default. To enable this function, click Store > Configuration and navigate to the Advanced section, then click System and select Yes in the Enable Backup.
Enable Magento Backup
Enable Magento Backup

Basically, you have three ways to back up in Magento.

System Backup Creating a comprehensive backup of the database and the file system. You can also back up the media folder in the process.
Database and Media Backup Creating a backup of the database and the media file
Database Backup Creating a backup of the database

How to do Magento 1 backup

  • To begin with, you will need to navigate to System > Tools > Backup from the Magento Admin Panel
Magento backup
Magento 1 Backup Admin site
  • Next, choose backup types, as I mentioned above.
Magento backup
Magento 1 Backup Admin site
  • Then, a warning box will appear, read it carefully, then click OK.
Magento backup
Magento 1 Backup Warning box
  • Choose Backup Option

If you choose Database and Media Backup, or Database Backup, this box will show up. In case you want to change your store into maintenance mode, tick Put store on the maintenance during backup creation. After that, customers can not access your site and place any orders during the backup process.

Magento backup
Magento 1 Backup options

In case you choose System Backup, there is an additional option for you to Exclude the media folder from backup.

Magento backup
Magento 1 Backup options

Finally, you will receive a notification when the backup process finishes, and the list of files will be shown in the table.

Magento Backup
Magento 1 Complete Backup

How to do Magento 2 backup

The backup process in Magento 2 has similar steps, but it comes with a different appearance compared to Magento 1.

  • On the Magento Admin Panel, follow Select > Tools > Backup.
Magento Backup
Magento 2 Backup Admin site
  • In the upper-right corner, select types to backup which are System Backup, Database, and Media Backup, Database Backup.
Magento Backup
Magento 2 – Select backup type
  • Choose Backup options.

Set a name for the backup file for easy reference.  Noticeably, you can also Put your store into maintenance during the backup to avoid data change during the process.

Magento Backup
Magento 2 Backup options

Once the backup is completed, Magento will turn off maintenance mode automatically, and you will receive a notification.

How to set a schedule for Magento backups?

As I mentioned above, Magento owners should backup their site on a regular basis. Therefore, the function schedule backup will automatically save stores’ data flowing a cycle to avoid mistakes and negatively affect the customers’ buying experience.

Magento 1 schedule backup

  • From the Admin site, go to System > Configuration.
Magento Backup
Magento 1 Configuration
  • In the Configuration, select Advanced > System.
Magento Backup
Magento 1 Advanced
  • Expand the Scheduled Backup Setting section
  • Select the type of backup as described in the backup process. Afterward, you need to set up Time, Frequency, and Maintenance mode for the backup. Finally, click Save Config.
Magento Backup
Magento 1 Scheduled Backup Settings

Magento 2 schedule backup

  • From the Admin Panel, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration
Magento Backup
Magento 2 Admin Panel
  • Click Advanced > System
Magento Backup
Magento 2 Configuration
  • Expand the Backup Settings section and fill in the information
Magento Backup
Magento 2 Scheduled Backup Settings


Backing up databases and files is necessary because it reinforces the normal operation of the system and reduces risks and errors… The Magento backup process via the admin site is straightforward to complete with a few clicks in both versions of Magento 1 and Magento 2.

If your Magento backup is successfully done and you are planning to do a Magento migration, LitExtension is here to help you. The automated migration tool by LitExtension will migrate your data quickly, safely, and securely. Do not hesitate to contact us!
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