BigCommerce is undoubtedly one of the most common worldwide eCommerce platforms, helping you easily build your online store. If so, what are the outstanding BigCommerce features? With our in-depth blog below, LitExtension, #1 Shopping Cart Migration Expert will release a comprehensive answer about this concern to you.

Here are 13 features we will cover in this article:

  1. Storefront design optimization
  2. BigCommerce marketing automation
  3. SEO functions
  4. Multi storefront
  5. Headless commerce integration
  6. Cross-channel eCommerce engagement
  7. Wholesale for B2B
  8. International selling support
  9. Point of Sale
  10. Open platform encouragement (API)
  11. Reliability and security
  12. Checkout experience
  13. Dropshipping & POD

Let’s discover more about Big Commerce features with us right now!

What Is BigCommerce?

BigCommerce is an Open SaaS solution, which allows users (merchants) to build and run their stores on the web. Up to now, there have been 142,010 websites running in BigCommerce, with more than 44,000 web pages in the live status (Source: BuiltWith). To use this platform, you need to create a BigCommerce account and pay a monthly fee to experience it. This will help you save money due to not paying a fixed cost for a copy of its hard software.

Main display of BigCommerce
The main display of BigCommerce

In our experience, Big Commerce platforms always offer you the right to transfer data from any platform for free. If you want to attain that, you can follow our guide on how to migrate data to BigCommerce. It will be a great tip to help you operate your business store more effectively.

Want to Migrate to BigCommerce?

If you are intending to migrate to BigCommerce, LitExtension offers a great migration service that helps you transfer your data from the current eCommerce platform to a new one accurately, painlessly with utmost security.

13 Oustanding BigCommerce Features

To explain why you should use BigCommerce, let’s take a look at our reviews about the outstanding BigCommerce features below.

#1. Storefront design optimization

BigCommerce allows you to optimize your storefront’s structure with a variety of impressive functionality. In particular:

  • Page Builder Visual Editor: Without using codes, you can easily modify your store pages with a drag-and-drop solution in a few clicks.
  • Theme Customization: You can customize BigCommerce themes in various formats, including Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Checkout Customization: BigCommere platforms provide you with both SDK and API payments, helping you flexibly modify checkout methods from one server to another server.
  • Mobile Optimization: With any BigCommerce theme, you make your online store mobile-friendly during your visitors’ shopping journey on your site.
  • Preview Before Publishing: You can use Stencil CLI to modify and test anything before operating official features in your business space.
  • WordPress Integration: BigCommerce allows you to integrate your store with WordPress to optimize your marketing efficiency on your products.
Customize BigCommerce themes to optimize your store display
Customize BigCommerce themes to optimize your store display

With the tools above, you can build a well-structured storefront in a few steps. However, if you want to make your storefronts more accessible, we consider that you should try storefront conversion promotion. With this feature, you can increase SEO values and enhance digital wallets’ efficiency. It is also one of the optimal ways to attract more traffic to your site and raise your site’s ranking on search engines.

#2. BigCommerce marketing automation

Being one of the most outstanding BigCommerce features, marketing automation allows you to save much time on your store’s promotion plans. In this situation, we highly recommend you try to use Banners, Abandoned Cart Emails, Email Marketing, Promotions, and Coupon Codes. They are all effective tools for your store-building journey on BigCommerce.

BigCommerce marketing automation tools
BigCommerce marketing automation tools

If you are a starter on BigCommerce, don’t forget to use Abandoned Cart Emails and Email Marketing to gain your store’ sales. With these tools, you can do:

  • Abandoned Cart Emails: This function helps you send automated emails to encourage your customers back to their shopping at your store. It is essential to increase the loyalty of the customers, aiming to maintain sustainable revenue for your brand.
  • Email Marketing: BigCommerce supports you with powerful options such as HubSpot, Constant Contact, MailChimp, and iContact. You can use them to collect customers’ information and release new notifications to them timely.

#3. SEO functions

We think that BigCommerce is a perfect place, allowing you to raise your site’s SEO effectively. In particular, this platform will offer up to 4 prominent SEO features, including:

  • Increase site loading-page speed: For each loading, BigCommerce only needs 361ms to complete a response, ranking at the third position among all eCommerce platforms.
  • Promote blog uploading: You don’t pay any fee for apps to build posts or blogs on BigCommerce. Instead of that, you can use marketing tools available to make your site outstanding with impressive content.
  • Match mobile display: BigCommerce allows you to manage your online stores on mobile for both Android and iOS. It is great to enhance your business performance and customers’ experiences effectively.
  • Upgrade powerful administration tools: BigCommerce provides users with an administration panel, helping them easily customize their content or information on the page. Some outstanding tools can be listed, such as URLs, metadata, titles, and header tags.
Powerful SEO tools on BigCommerce
Powerful SEO tools on BigCommerce

From the impressive features above, we believe that BigCommerce will be an ideal destination for all marketing plans in the long run. If you need some tips, here’s our BigCommerce SEO guide for your concern.

#4. Multi storefront

BigCommerce supports you in managing multi storefronts in a single account. This helps you streamline your operations when managing different brands and customer segments simultaneously. We consider that it is great for you to easily expand your business size without additional work.

Multi storefronts on BigCommerce
Multi storefronts on BigCommerce

Depending on your BigCommerce pricing plan, this platform will offer you from 3 to 8 or even unlimited storefronts (Enterprise plan). Thus, you should consider your business goal carefully to select the most optimal option.

#5. Headless commerce integration

We are really impressed with headless commerce integration when running stores on BigCommerce. This feature allows you to easily connect any available framework with your site’s backend through the support of APIs. It is great to bring a seamless shopping experience to your customers on your site.

Headless commerce integration on BigCommerce
Headless commerce integration on BigCommerce

To adopt the headless commerce integration on BigCommerce, you can try it with Acquia Digital Experience, Channels Toolkit, WordPress, or even F/E Framework. However, we think that you should select one or two of them to optimize your store’s performance.

#6. Cross-channel eCommerce engagement

Cross-channels (multi-channels) are not BigCommerce new features, however, they play an important role in growing e-commerce stores from the beginning phase. This feature allows you to sell your products in different spaces, including marketplaces (eBay, Amazon, or Google Shopping) and social commerce (Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest).

Cross-channels on BigCommerce
Cross-channels on BigCommerce

To optimize your in-store sales management, we recommend you use native POS programs like Teamwork Commerce to keep data updated constantly. It will show track performance and conversion rates, helping you release a proper forecast in the future.

#7. Wholesale for B2B

BigCommere is a highly recommended eCommerce solution for B2B merchants to operate their stores. With this feature, you can manage payment activities with each customer group, including wholesalers, retailers, and VIPs. Once you can run this phase effectively, you can easily enhance your customers’ satisfaction in your store.

Wholesale B2B platforms on BigCommerce
Wholesale B2B platforms on BigCommerce

Below are some BigCommerce wholesale partners we think that you should connect to manage your B2B model better. Including:

  • B2B Platforms
  • Bulk Ordering
  • Customer Accounts & Permissions
  • Pricing/ Discounts
  • Purchase Orders
  • Quote Builders

#8. International selling support

BigCommerce services enhance your exchange with foreign customers. These services include multi-currency, multi-language, cross-border fulfillment, global CDN, and offices around the World.

BigCommece also supports you with a lot of worldwide payment providers like PayPal or Square to optimize your cross-border sales effectively. However, you should understand how to BigCommere payment gateway works and select a proper one to easily exchange with your customers.

Convert currencies on BigCommerce platform
Convert currencies on BigCommerce platform

Translation through APIs and applications is also one of the unique BigCommerce features when selling on cross-border markets. You can easily localize BigCommere presence in any relevant language. We also recommend you use international ShipperHQ to deliver shipping quotes to your customers more quickly.

#9. Point of Sale

With the Point of Sale (POS) system, you can launch an online store and start your business faster. Additionally, BigCommerce eCommerce will not ever charge you any fee for additional transactions. It means that you can optimize all your profit to support other purposes.

Add ConnectPOS to BigCommerce
Add ConnectPOS to BigCommerce

When integrating POS into BigCommerce ecommerce platform, you can benefit your brand with the support of built-in BOPIS. With this feature, you can release the 2 best options to your customers: they can either order online or pick up your products in-store. It is a great way to grow your business and delight different segments of your shoppers.

#10. Open platform encouragement (API)

Application programming interface (API) is a set of protocols for developing application software. It allows you to approach essential data and create single platforms to interact with external systems. Once you have APIs in eCommerce sites, you can easily make your products viral and scale up your site on demand.

Create account-level API account on BigCommerce
Create account-level API account on BigCommerce

BigCommerce là hosted platform, thus, the support of API makes it more highly customizable than other e-Commerce solutions. This requires you to strictly follow the guide from BigCommerce to optimize your store’s performance in the best way. Additionally, we suggest you use thread API requests, webhooks, or marketplace BigCommerce apps to get API best practices.

#11. Reliability and security

In our BigCommerce reviews, we used to mention its reliability and security. We think that they are both important factors to consider when developing your online store. Whether you take Standard or even Enterprise pricing plans, your site is hosted at Level 1 of PCI Compliant Certification. Thus, most of your customer’s information is kept safe from the attacks of hackers.

Security system on BigCommerce platform
Security system on BigCommerce platform

#12. Checkout experience

BigCommerce has partnered with various payment providers like PayPal, Square, and Strip. All of them allow you to use credit cards to exchange products at competitive prices. We mean that it will be great for merchants to save on fees and gain profitability for their stores effectively.

Payment through credit cards on BigCommerce
Payment through credit cards on BigCommerce

You can complete transactions with your customers with different methods, such as local payments, digital wallets, or even cryptocurrencies. Additionally, BigCommerce will not charge you any fee for additional requirements.

#13. Dropshipping & POD

Dropshipping on BigCommerce is one of the perfect solutions to gain revenue in the long run. In this way, you can use a range of product-sourcing apps to collect a lot of high-quality products from different manufacturers and sell them to other customers.

Integrate Spocket Dropshipping app in BigCommerce
Integrate Spocket Dropshipping app in BigCommerce

One of the outstanding BigCommerce features is not to restrict the number of products to sell in your stores. Thus, you can upload thousands of BigCommerce products when running dropshipping activities. However, we recommend you pay for third-party apps for additional services to optimize your process.

With a variety of outstanding BigCommerce features, you can organize your online stores on this platform in the best way. Whether you are a large or small business owner, we hope you can run your store successfully.

BigCommerce Features – FAQs

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Final Words

Our blog has reviewed 13 BigCommerce features to consider when you develop your online store on this platform. Depending on your goal, you can select different approaches to optimize your business’s efficiency with these features. However, don’t ignore marketing automation and API tools, which are always useful for your site anytime.

LitExtension, the #1 Shopping Cart Migration Expert, hopes you have an in-depth evaluation of BigCommerce features. Check out our LitExtension Blog or join our Facebook Community Group for more useful tips.


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