
conversion rate
How to improve conversion rates? What’s the tactics? The conversion rate in marketing refers to the percentage of visitors who took a notable or desired action while visiting your store. Simply put, the more customers you have, the greater will be your store’s conversion rate. When you start an online store, either on your own...
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Nowadays, an online presence is unavoidable. The epidemic situation further enhances the importance of the online world. You must have wondered how you should increase your sales rate and how could you get an actual consumer from a simple visitor of your site? Now we show you 7 tips to help your website get customers....
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Customers will form an opinion about your site in just 0.05 seconds. Moreover, in a distracting world where we are constantly inundated with information, it only takes the gentlest nudge to knock someone’s attention off course. So if people don’t like the look of your website at first glance, then you might never win them...
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