
Customer experience
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself how your customers feel after they’ve bought your product? Or do you stop delivering a tailored customer experience once the sale has been closed? Either way, there might be room for improvement. Improving your customer experience is the first step towards increasing customer retention. Whether your next customer...
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Online store owners can improve their leads, sales, and retention by making common eCommerce customer touchpoints more enjoyable experiences. You have opportunities as your customers browse and shop to encourage them through the process and think positively of you. By breaking down the different stages of the eCommerce customer experience, you’ll discover different opportunities for...
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Online retail isn’t here to stay, it is here to dominate. The buying of goods and services online was already a fairly popular practice as of 2019. But the covid 19 pandemic and the heavy restriction of movement caused by the Great Lockdown abruptly accelerated the popularity of this practice on an enormous scale. Nearly...
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