Rewatch our webinar on themes optimization: The Art Of Catching Customers’ Attention in 0.05 Seconds now:

People scroll through hundreds or even thousands of websites daily. If you fail to catch their eyes the moment they first landed on your site, you lose them right away.
  • 38% of visitors will stop browsing a website if the layout is unattractive.
  • The average user needs only 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about a website.
  • 94% of users create their first impression of a website based on web design alone.
They stop and linger on a page only because it impresses them visually. For that fact, an eye-catching web design is undeniably essential. And a suitable theme specially designed for your business would be inevitable to excel in the online environment!

So if you’re looking for some tips & guidance on this aspect, the webinar: The Art of Catching Customers’ Attention in 0.05 Seconds, is definitely for you. LitExtension and WebiBazaar discussed:

  • The importance of a theme to an eCommerce website (with statistics)
  •  What are key points to keep in mind when choosing a theme? (features, niches, design, security, speed, etc.)
  • Some recommendations of best themes for some common niches
  • Will changing themes break your store? (about theme migration, how theme creator can fasten the process, the role of migration tools to do this, risks & limitations, etc.)
  • Practical examples of sites with well-chosen themes vs sites that don’t.

Let’s dive in!

Importance of eCommerce Themes

  • Responsive Themes Work With Mobile and Other Devices
  • Ease of Navigation
  • SEO Friendly Theme 
  • Themes Open to Customization
  • Robust Security

Key Points when Choosing a Theme

  • Do you test your website or functionality?
  • Don’t forget to take it for a test drive.
  • Do you check website speed.
  • Don’t use too many images on your website.
  • Do the pick easy to read font.
  • Setup proper a navigation.
  • Do the Select SEO Friendly Template.
  • Don’t forget to check template author and its customer support.
  • Don’t make a fast decision to purchasing a website Theme.
  •  Don’t forget to check the total cost of the website.

Will Changing Themes Break your Store?

  • Choose the Platform That is Best for Your Business
  • Select ready to use theme
  • Things you don’t need to worry about

1. Products Data

2 . Customers Data

3 . Orders 

  • Map Out Integrations, Functions, and Third-Party Apps
  • Launch the Migration

What You Should Know before Migration

  • Data Migration: Any entities that your store can carry (i.e. products, orders, categories, etc.)
  • Referral traffic and SEO; redirects and 404 errors: when migrating a website to a different platform, we need to take care of the SEO. SEO URLs can disappear when moving from platform A to platform B. Normally, when you perform the migration manually, the store may lose Google rankings. However, LitExtension too can guarantee to protect that part for you. The case will work with redirects and 404 errors as well with the help of our supportive team. 
  • Plan to Roll Back: creating a detailed plan before, during, and after the migration is a must. One of the most important tasks that should be included in the plan is to back up your data. Even when users do not use LitExtension service, our team always reminds them to back up the data in case of any problems happen to the migration itself. 
  • Third-party Integration: for example, if you’re using the Shopify theme, LitExtension definitely takes care of the multiple items for you (i.e. customer reviews, comments, etc.). We also take care of migrating custom entities in order to help your store fits in with the new platform’s structure.
  • Brand Image and Customer Experience: selecting a new but best-fit theme is the key to sustain your image (brand visuals and concepts, or other small details) and client experience. 

Live Websites Examples

High-quality Examples 

Check out the Live Pizza from PrestaShop section on WebiBazaar. Especially, both themes from KFC and WebiBazzar have high responsiveness when users move from a device (laptop) to another (mobile phone).

WebiBazzar is also performing customization for Yvesrocher on PrestaShop. We can see great examples of different sections on Yvesrocher homepage, ranging from the menu, sliders to the image boxes.

This is another good example from a Spain garden furniture brand. The brand is also applying customization on the categories buttons on the right. Brand owners can easily change the brand items, i.e. logos, icons, as per their need. You can also check for the site’s good responsiveness as well.

Low-quality Examples 

Clearly, when first approaching this website, we can see that the visuals are not well-invested. Shopaz’s page responsiveness is not in an expected condition as well, although products are potential. Most customers (according to WebiBazaar) will search for products and make purchases on their mobile phones, therefore it is urgent for merchants to take care of the responsiveness.

A small but considerable missing point from the PromoDiscount website is that they did not have the security badge (security certificate) for the website domain. This missing feature can have a direct effect on customers’ attention to your site. Bad website security can cause customers to jump off your page at any time. Moreover, the UX design of the website does not have high quality, which can be proved in the text and image of each product box on the homepage.

Another noting point is the detailed structure of the page. Two search bars are easily found on the website, with one at the top of the page and one is on the right column of the product sections.

On the Bproaudiostore website, many products’ details are not friendly displayed.  You can take a look at the products’ names or titles which are not very well-added and do not stick to a pattern generally. When customers cannot read the product names, you may lose them at any time on the page. Furthermore, if you click on each of the product pages, the display of product images is somehow blurry and not the correct size. These details cause errors in website speed and deliver a very low user experience.


# Will a customized theme slow down my site?

The answer is no. Because when you customize your theme with experts or with WebiBazaar, they’ll manage everything for you, from limiting the image size, checking transcript, to SEO.

# Is there any hidden cost when purchasing a theme that is personally customized?

There’s no hidden cost. There’s only an extra cost for the parts you want to customize.

# Design will help me to increase conversion?

Yes, definitely. The design is very important to a website since it affects the first impression of your site visitors and also the customer journey from entering your site to purchasing your products. If it’s not good, they will leave your site or abandon their carts. So your website design needs to be attractive and clear.

# Which is the best platform for an eCommerce Website? 

We’d highly recommend Shopify and BigCommerce for beginners.

Final Words

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us or join our Facebook Community for further information! Here’s a recording of the webinar Livestream! Don’t forget to visit LitExtension Youtube channel for other webinars and more interesting eCommerce-related videos!


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