WooCommerce is one of the best Open-Source eCommerce platforms on the market. Currently, the self-hosted solution leads the way as the most popular choice, powering 26% of total eCommerce sites equivalent to more than 4 million live websites worldwide.

It is known for its ease of use and the ability to level up your online business with various powerful eCommerce built-in features, namely smart inventory management, friendly grouped products, multisite, and much more. In fact, many merchants who use a hosted solution choose to migrate to WooCommerce (from Wix, Squarespace, or Shopify to WooCommerce) to level up their store with endless customization possibilities.

In this article, we will be focusing on the WooCommerce grouped products functionality including:

  • What is a grouped product in WooCommerce?
  • Different product types of WooCommerce.
  • How to add grouped products in WooCommerce.

Now, let’s find out what a WooCommerce grouped product is.

What is a grouped product in WooCommerce?

WooCommerce grouped products, as their name suggests, consists of similar or complementary products to encourage customers to purchase them as a bundle. This is an amazing tool for you to boost sales since customers tend to buy more when some products fit and enhance each other.

Let’s say you have a clothing store and you are focusing on selling cropped pants, t-shirts, peaked caps, and accessories for this summer. It’s a good idea to create collections or combos using WooCommerce grouped products. For example, cropped pants, t-shirts, and peaked caps can go well together creating an active summer collection; t-shirts and accessories can also become casual collections for summer…

Apparently, you can get more sales from shoppers by bringing your unique style into the products as well as provide a wide variety of options for customers.

Moreover, grouped products don’t necessarily need to be sold together, but you can buy them separately as independent items. Hence, buyers are not required to get the entire collection if they don’t want to.

In general, WooCommerce group products can help your store in several ways as follow:

  • Provide more options and let customers know that you have more useful products they might need.
  • Allow your shopper to quickly find the product they need without having to browse across your website.
  • Boost your SEO since you will link individual items together to create strong product inter-linking for your website.

WooCommerce Different Product Types

Many merchants find it hard to understand the process of adding grouped products for their stores. The main cause for this is they haven’t fully understood all the product types of WooCommerce. To avoid that, let’s take a look at the four main kinds of WooCommerce product

  • Simple Product

A simple product is the most common type and easily-understandable type among all the WooCommerce products. It represents a unique item with a single price and SKU.

Example: If you sell jewelry, it’s a good idea to use a simple product as a page to directly correlate with a single product type of your store.

Simple product
Simple product
  • External/ Affiliate Product

An external product or affiliate product is an item that you promote for another brand on your site but available for sale on a different website. When a customer clicks on the product on your site, they’ll be redirected to the URL that you specify in the product settings.

Affiliate Product
Affiliate Product

Example: If you join an affiliate program such as Amazon Associates or eBay Partner, you will be familiar with affiliate or external products. You’ll get affiliate links from Amazon or eBay with a special UTM that helps to track customers who buy the product.

  • Downloadable product

They are files that are available for download with a specific path or URL, in some cases, they can be sent to your customer in different forms such as CD, USB, memory stick… Unlike a physical product, this type of product doesn’t require shipping.

Downloadable product
Downloadable product

Example: Selling your ebooks on your website by setting it as a downloadable product, this way, customers can easily purchase your item without having to wait for the shipping.

  • Variable Product

    Variable Product
    Variable Product

WooCommerce adds the attributes and variations into the simple product to create a variable product for you. This option lets you add variations to the same product to create a complex, variable product so you can sell multiple types of warehouse items.

How to add grouped products in WooCommerce?

Step 1: Create a New Single Product

First, you need to add a new product to your site to link it with your grouped product. To do so, first, login to your WooCommerce account and go to the back-end of your store

Create a New Single Product
Create a New Single Product

From the main dashboard, navigate to Products => Add new. Here, you can add your title, description, and image for your product as well.

Next, scroll down and find the “Product Data” panel, after that, select “Simple Product” and fill in the required information:


  • Regular price and Sale price allow you to fill in your product price. If you just put in one price (regular or sale), it’ll display as the main price. Otherwise, it will show both of them as a promotion (regular price is higher than sale price).
  • Tax is where you are capable of setting up your tax status and tax class for your product.

Inventory: you can set up the SKU (stock keeping unit) and Stock Status for inventory management.

Shipping: At this section, you can fill in information for shipping such as weight, dimensions, and shipping class

Next, scrolling down to put in your Short Description and Product Gallery.

Hit Publish then Preview your product.

Add desciption
Add description

Next, scrolling down to put in your Short Description and Product Gallery.

Preview your product
Preview your product

Step 2: Create a Grouped product

Creating a grouped product is quite similar to adding a single product. We’re going to make a grouped product with the single item that you’ve published.

  • Add a new grouped product

First, from your dashboard, navigate to Product => All Products then click on the product created recently.

Add a new grouped product
Add a new grouped product

In Product data dropdown options, choose Grouped Product to make it become an item in a group of products.

choose Grouped Product
Choose Grouped Product

Step 3: Add product to the group

  • Add SKU

Just like a single product, put in your SKU to keep track of your inventory.

  • Linked product

Next, you need to link your products together, to do so, click the Linked Product tab to add other products in your store to Grouped Products and make the bundle you want.

Linked product
Linked product

All you need to do is typing in your product name, WooComemrce will display suggestions based on what items are currently available in your warehouse.

  • Attributes

You can add attributes with any product, just like a single product, you can also add attributes for grouped products such as size, color, type…

To add new attributes, go to Attributes, choose the type of attribute you need from the dropdown list, click Add then  the Save Attribute button.

  • Add a short description

Let’s move on to add a short description. The product description is a brief introduction of the grouped product which helps your customer decide whether it’s surely what they need.

Add a short description
Add a short description
  • Add product gallery image

Here, you can put in your pictures of each item included in the grouped product so shoppers can view all of them in a single page.

Add product gallery image
Add product gallery image
  • Put your product in the category

Last but not least, put the product in a category to make it easier for you and shoppers to find the product. You can use an available category or create a new one.

Put your product in the category
Put your product in the category


1. How to set up WooCommerce grouped product prices?

When you add a new grouped product, its price will display as the minimum price as default. After customers choose the quantity  of single products in your group, the price will automatically add up. In short, there’s no need to set up a price for the entire grouped product.

2. What are WooCommerce grouped product examples?

Here are some examples of WooCommerce grouped products:

  • Awesome Computer Set

    Awesome Computer Set
    Awesome Computer Set
  • Canon Powershot SX

    Canon Powershot SX-min
    Canon Powershot SX-min
  • Iphone 5S

    Iphone 5s
    Iphone 5s

3. How to set up WooCommerce grouped products with variations?

It is possible to add variations to your grouped product, just follow these steps below to get your job done easily and quickly.

Step 1: Add a new grouped product following the guide above

Step 2: Navigate to the Attributes tab

Step 3: Choose the attribute that you want, click Add then Save attribute


That’s everything you need to know to create a complete WooCommerce grouped product, from adding new single items, linking them together to setting up a new grouped product. It seems confusing at first but when you get the hang of it, this should be a piece of cake.

WooCommerce is an amazing solution with powerful eCommerce tools, it also user-friendliness and brings endless customization possibilities. If you intend to move to WooCommerce, check out LitExtension – the best automated migration tool on the market. We can help you migrate all your data to WooCommerce in just a few simple steps. If you need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team, we’re ready to help at any time.

You can also join our community for more exciting eCommerce news and tips. Good luck!

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